Nothing at all!!Bill Clinton was/is an Evangelical Christian and he is a Democrat. He's also a sinner.
Ted Haggard was/is an Evangelical Christian and he is a Republican. He's also a sinner.
George Bush was/is an Evangelical Christian and he is a Republican. He's also a sinner.
I regard myself as a Christian (I'm not quite sure what the adjective "Evangelical" means) and I am a Democrat ... or at least will likely vote for more Democrats than Republicans this time around. I'm also a sinner.
In fact, all of mankind is "fallen," if I am to believe what I read in the Bible ... and it certainly appears that way to me.
But notice that none of the above states whether any of the people mentioned should or should not be elected to some political office (except me -- I should
not be!) or whether the party which they currently belong to should or should not get your vote on November 7.
And by the way, didn't Jimmy Carter admit to being a sinner ... as did the Apostle Paul ... more than once?
Yet, I have heard almost nothing about the issues for two days now while the details of the Reverend Haggard's and Mike Jones' monthly sexual encounters over a three year period (if they even existed!) and Haggard's alleged purchase of methamphetamine have taken nearly all of the time of every left-leaning (liberal) talk show host or commentator since I first heard something strange about it in my sleep early yesterday morning. [I sleep with my radio on, besides all of my other sins ... past and present!]
What Haggard's sex life or alleged drug addiction has to do with the issues that we will be voting on is beyond me. But let me state a couple of little tidbits about the Reverend Haggard that might have a bearing on the elections.
1. He is in constant contact (phone call each Monday) with President Bush and has successfully gotten Bush's attention on the sad plight of the people of Darfur.
2. He believes, as I do, that government (Democrats, Republicans and Independents) can create the space to do "good." He specifically has mentioned "peace" as one of those "good" kinds of things that can be brought about through "good" government.
3. His belief in free trade stems from his recognition that everyone worldwide is equal and that, although certain goods may cost more here in America as a result of free trade, "aspirins, eyeglasses and food for everyone" will be made more affordable and available as a result of freer trade.
4. Haggard's first concern after the 9/11 attacks was that we, as Christians, should "serve the Islamic people" by protecting them from angry backlash.
And the list could go on and on and on ... a rendition in today's world of Jesus's
Sermon on the Mount. You know, I'm really
glad that he had those weekly talks with President Bush.
Maybe, as a good place for all of us to start before voting on Tuesday, would be to read the
Book of Matthew (in the New Testament) and weigh the arguments of the persons running in your district/state with what Jesus taught us all.
And let the thirty million member National Association of Evangelicals and Haggard's New Life Church decide how they wish to deal with Mr. Haggard.
It's none of our business! But whatever, we shouldn't judge anyone (Haggard, Jones or politicians who happen to be Evangelical Christians) until we remove the "plank from our own eyes."
One other little known Haggard quote which I've taken from the October 29, 2004
Rocky Mountain News:
"Whether Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Christian, if we give them government accountable to the people, give them free-market economics and let them worship according to their conscience, and a greater opportunity to raise their families as they believe, we will have a better society."
How many of the
Air America crowd or other syndicated left-wing talk show hosts even knew he made that statement before they went on the rampage of the past two days?
I didn't until today.
And my prayers are with Ted Haggard and his family as he endures the humiliation and "attacks" from nearly everyone. "Dear Lord, watch over your child, Ted Haggard. Please bring him closer to You in every way. Let these days and weeks ahead be less painful for Mr. Haggard and thank you for the good that he has brought to us all through his cogent advice and consultation with Mr. Bush and others in power. But most of all, bring him to Your Salvation, dear Lord. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ!"