Bush hopes ... Shiites in Sadr City Celebrate

But will Saddam Hussein's death sentence bring them peace?

But will Saddam Hussein's death sentence bring him a Republican Congress for his final two years?
Or even a better question: Will Saddam's appeal process last long enough for his trial for the gassing of the Kurds to get under way and for embarrassing testimony surface as to where, in fact -- and from whom -- did Saddam Hussein purchase the chemical weapons used both on the Iranians and on the Kurds? Somehow, I doubt that the Cheney (Bush) Administration will allow the court (US chosen under Mr. Bremer) to permit Saddam to live quite that long ...
We all remember which previous and current SecDef was pictured shaking hands with Saddam after that deal was made, don't we? Mr. Bush might have to get both Saddam and Mr. Rumsfeld out of his political path quickly, me thinks!
I wonder if there was any left-over Anthrax powder from the mailbox attacks of September 2001 ...
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