Arnold (a.k.a. "Sweetie") ain't no friend of Blue Dogs!!

I don't recall whether I mentioned having acquired a kitty from our Ocean Shores PAWS group (local group devoted to helping and sheltering stray animals) that is a look-alike for Sweetheart (pbuh -- in Arabic: salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) who passed away this past summer. I look into Sweetie's eyes and see Sweetheart every time.
Well, I mentioned to Arnold (whom I obviously call "Sweetie" in the house) that my brother Richard from Connecticut was a friend to (or at least watching carefully) a new breed of animal called, "Blue Dog Democrats." He even has a blog devoted to them!
Well Arnold (a.k.a. "Sweetie") showed his "manliness" (tomcatliness) instantly! "Blue Dogs? Why not orange and white cats?" He was quite upset (see above) and I'll have to call Richard sometime after I get through the next four days (very long days on the new job) and see if we can't negotiate a new name for his blog. I suppose that "orange and white catted" is already taken.
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