Le Rouge et le Noir views Saddam verdict slightly differently ... and more realistically!

I need say nothing. Le Rouge et le Noir has said it with dignity, clarity and power. [English is not his first language, as many of you who browse the comments already know -- but I couldn't have said it better! And this comment is entirely unedited -- by Le Rouge et le Noir or me!]
Quote begins:
"waiting for the article to come ;)
"seems mister Bush is very happy about someone going to be hanged.
my wife is very sad about it. First nobody saying anything about the war he created with Iran: 1 million dead, mostly young, few from her family: one gazed, many killed (don't know how).
"What makes her upset and me too... is that we know America and France and Germany ... gave the weapons and maybe asked him to attack Iran. They have a big responsability.. i was hopping one day soon it comes out but seems it will take long time.
"his advocates were killed : for me it is very strange. it looks more like some people have interest that some people don't know too much. no? maybe i exagerate but i can't believe they are killed because they don't do a good job (what i heard many times there).
"ok i go sleep and hopefully tomorrow my wife be less upset
take good care
Quote ends.
I read the accounts of Iranian children fighting against modern Iraqi weapons (including chemical weapons) with sticks and chunks of mud. The Arabs with whom I worked thought this was "funny" ...
I could not in a million years improve on Le Rouge et le Noir's English in his powerful comment! My love and heart goes out to the Iranian people who have suffered so brutally and for so long ...
And we ask [myself included at times] why the Iranians might be considering nuclear weapons? It's up to the West to provide a climate in the Middle East where the consideration of nuclear weapons is unnecessary -- for Israel as well as Iran ... and others.
And UN sanctions against Iran are not the answer!!!
thank you for your article :)
my wife and me are very pleased. yesterday i believed to have let a comment but i think i got a problem with the connection.
about usa asking saddam to attack iran, you certainly right. Nahavandi was writing (he was minister in time of shah) with lots of documents basis and talks with diplomats... that your president hated the shah but the worst was our president.
take a good care
le rouge et le noir -
Amen, brother. We'll know the real truth someday ... maybe ... and (hopefully) laugh at the folly of mankind.
MWN (Joe)
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