Saddam awaits the verdict ... and the World Holds its Breath ...

Well, the verdict will be sometime tomorrow, only two days before our Midterm Elections (good planning, Karl!) and it will certainly be "Guilty!" (... As indeed he is!) And, as expected, all Hell will break loose in Baghdad and in other Sunni-controlled areas in Iraq.
Of course, the tightest possible curfews will be in effect in Baghdad ... and in other places, as needed. But we all must remember that the curfew will be largely manned by Shiite militia members ... dressed in Iraqi military/police uniforms. Anything could happen!
The verdicts were set on this date (Mediawingnuts' birthday) quite deliberately and, despite the attempts being made by Saddam's attorneys for a 60-day delay, the odds are great that the verdict (verdicts actually ... there are seven other defendants) will be known within 24 hours from now. It will probably be handed down about 12 hours from right now--the last one to be handed down, according to the schedule.
And you can bet that, as important as the verdict (or verdicts) is/are to Saddam Hussein and his fellow criminals, the Republican candidates around America will be tooting their horns and taking credit for "winning the war." It holds some promise, I suppose, of being their "November Non-surprise."
And, in a sense, they will be correct about "winning the war," of course, since that could be construed as the "regime change" that Mr. Bush was seeking from about the time that we couldn't find the WMDs or tie Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Forgotten.
My biggest concern is the continuing carnage that seems unending in that broken and sad country. The flag-draped coffins continue to flow homeward with no end in sight. I doubt that the hanging of Saddam Hussein will bring a great deal of comfort to those families who are still losing loved ones more than three years after they cheered the president in his sexy flight suit and read the banner behind him that read, "Mission Accomplished."
Hello Joe,
waiting for the article to come ;)
seems mister Bush is very happy about someone going to be hanged.
my wife is very sad about it. First nobody saying anything about the war he created with Iran: 1 million dead, mostly young, few from her family: one gazed, many killed (don't know how).
What makes her upset and me too... is that we know America and France and Germany ... gave the weapons and maybe asked him to attack Iran. They have a big responsability.. i was hopping one day soon it comes out but seems it will take long time.
his advocates were killed : for me it is very strange. it looks more like some people have interest that some people don't know too much. no? maybe i exagerate but i can't believe they are killed because they don't do a good job (what i heard many times there).
ok i go sleep and hopefully tomorrow my wife be less upset
take good care
le rouge et le noir -
You're right on all counts. I doubt that we asked Saddam to attack Iran; however, we probably led him to believe (cotrectly) that we would do nothing to help the Iranians ... and we didn't!
The Saudis with whom I worked were overjoyed that he attacked Iran and expected him to destroy Iran's infrastructure and oil producing capacity, which they did not.
That war was one of the bloodiest and saddest of the wars of the last century. So many Iranian children attacking modern weapons with sticks and stones ...
I am with your wife 100% !!
more to come ..
MWN (Joe)
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