Upside down and inside out ... nothing makes sense anymore ...

More is less and less is more ...
Only a year ago, this same John Abizaid, along with General George W. Casey Jr., was trying to convince us that the American troop presence in Iraq was "stoking" the insurgency and that a phased withdrawal was called for ... quickly! We all remember the response from Donald Rumsfeld and recent disclosures of the heads that rolled in the US military and the threats that came from the Secretary of Defense's office.
Well, now we are the heroes, according to General Abizaid and furthermore, we (the mighty US military) are all that stands between the ongoing insurgency and its becoming an all-out Civil War between the Sunnis and the Shiites.
And oh yes, we need roughly 21,000 more troops in the Anbar Province to stave off this aforementioned "Civil War."
Apparently, no one has gotten word of the election results of ten days ago to General Abizaid nor word that the oh-so-feared Donald Rumsfeld was fired by a combination of the American People and Laura Bush's insistence that her husband wake up.
Vice President Dick Cheney said that we were not going to "stay the course" but instead go "full speed ahead," and he apparently is still the guy in charge. Troop levels, according to General Abizaid will stay well above 140,000 with surges in the weeks ahead both necessary and expected.
More is less and less is more ... in that sense we are certainly "staying the course" ... the antigravity from the dark forces (see previous posting) occupying the White House still have the upper hand in our universe.
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