Yeesh! They really want to go long??

The Washington Post (WP) was pretty grim with its characterization of the options under consideration by the Pentagon as regards where we go from here in Iraq.
Going "big" is more or less what Senator John McCain has been advocating, taking into realization that, if we plan to try to bring this thing to what GWB calls a victory, we need substantially more troops there. Going "long" is roughly what GWB referred to as "staying the course," but given no specific label in the days before the Midterm Elections. Going "home" is pretty obviously bringing the troops out of Iraq -- either over a schedule or immediately.
The only option that is simply ridiculous from Mediawingnuts' perspective is the "go long" option -- which, from all I've heard on the radio this morning is the "leading option" of the Pentagon. Doubtless, the Baker Commission (George H. W. Bush's study group) will choose some combination of "big" and "home" with much emphasis on working closely with Syria and Iran. The American people in poll after poll (including the Midterm Elections) are interested in bringing the soldiers home, either in a phased withdrawal/redeployment.
Of course, the military is only interested in variations of the "go long" option.
Many people are confusing the "Pentagon Group", the one commissoned by Peter Pace with the "Iraq Study Group", the one headed by Baker. The ISG will win the day with some overture to Iran and Syria.
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