It's not the men and women of the military ... they have done their jobs with honor and courage!

Disagreeing with why we went to war in Iraq or even how the tactics and strategy might be flawed, if they are, in no way takes away the honor, duty and courage of the US Marines, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and US Coast Guard members who serve their country worldwide ... including the difficult tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Countless Americans have died over the past three centuries ... serving their country and their fellow servicemembers with unfathomable steadfastness. Today is their day. November 11, 2006 marks Veterans Day -- which began after World War I earlier in the previous century -- and marks their sacrifices today.
I had the honor of lighting the US Air Force candle at school day before yesterday ... dressed inappropriately, since I had no idea that they wouldn't find a "representative" of the USAF until someone remembered that "the old man who teaches math" was in Vietnam [1969-70] during that conflict and in Saudi Arabia [1990-1996] during the Gulf War -- although I was a civilian both times, but that didn't seem to matter at the time to the school officials.
Tears still came to my eyes as I remembered both conflicts and so much else ...
Take a deep breath today and remember those who have fallen and are still falling ... for their country and the guy hunkered down in the same Humvee ... with whom he had eaten breakfast that same day. Heroes all!
Yes, as we stood at attention during the "Star Spangled Banner" (for those around the world, that is our National Anthem) and other events, it mattered not that the other service representatives were in the Class A's and dress uniforms of their eras ... I simply held my breath and said a silent prayer for the fallen and falling.
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