Mission (Rumsfeld's anyway) not accomplished!

The question remains ... is Rummy being made the scapegoat for the disaster in Iraq ... or did he decide on his own to make his resignation a dramatic punctuation mark to the Republican disaster at the polls yesterday and the day before? We will probably have to wait until either he or President Bush writes their memoirs a few years from now.
But one way or the other, we see the influence of Mr. Bush's father, former President George H. W. Bush, becoming more and more evident with the nomination of Bob Gates, his father's CIA Director (Picture below), to replace Rumsfeld at the Pentagon.
After reading most of Bob Woodward's State of Denial, I can certainly imagine that the higher ranking (and lower ranking) generals and field grade officers in Iraq are cheering quietly (Rummy's still at his desk, so they still have to be careful) now that they can be assured that their concerns will finally get to President Bush.
Whether the relatively new US policy of interventionist invasions (wars of aggression) and indiscriminate bombing of civilian enclaves in a country that was not a threat to the US will continue is something that only Mr. Bush and future presidents can answer -- but for sure, Donald Rumsfeld was the original author of the new "strategy."

hopefully eveyrthing is fine there in your job and you.
I can be sure at least you're happy in one matter :) of course we speak here a lot about your elections but indeed more about ours to come... the statistics showing a fascist with lot of credits and two personnalities good for nothing in foreign affairs.
So what you wanted for so long came : Rumsfeld left. I know what you think about war in iraq and the mistakes but still i be afraid about usa having a weak policy. Hopefully everything will be fine for your great country.
congratulations for the victory... just seems Pelosi is using hard words (and unpolite) for a politics .. at least here you can't hear that... president good for nothing and dangerous ;)
take a good care
In the USA we now survive on Hot-Air Political Slogans...
Stay the Course, Change the Course,
New Direction, Alter the Strategy,
Throw the liars & thieves out, A
Shifted Strategy, New Policy, etc
Both Partys Know Something...
We, the general public are too damn
lazy to read, and have an Independent Thought. We like Fast Food, Instant Mashed Spuds,
Micro-wave Dinners, and most of all
Hate Campaigns!
When we repeat Slogans, it makes us
feel good, Superior!
Challenge: Read History post.
Your Comments Appreciated!
snake hunters -
Slogans and two-word bumper stickers are only that. Even great orations are only that.
Action is what counts and the actions of our leaders in the months and years ahead are what will count with me.
MWN (Joe)
le rouge et le noir -
You have never heard me say "the President is a 'good-for-nothing' and/or dangerous ... although precipitous acts of war can indeed be dangerous.
I think that we all have to be as civil as humanly possible when dealing with those who agree or disagree with our point(s) of view.
It will be up to both political parties to reach out for cooperation and progress (c and p go hand-in-hand) to rule the new day here in America.
I hope things turn out best in your upcoming elections ... for everyone!
MWN (Joe)
you said:
You have never heard me say "the President is a 'good-for-nothing' and/or dangerous ... although precipitous acts of war can indeed be dangerous.
indeed i didn't say that of course... i wouldn't misrespect you. i was saying that here we could see on tv nancy pelosi saying these words (not exactly indeed but something like the president was good for nothing and dangerous)
le rouge et le noir -
Hmm ... well, maybe I did say that he wouldn't be good for certain things, like world peace, middle class economics, global warming and help for the hopeless.
As for his being "dangerous" ... he should try to put on his right stocking while his left rather than his right foot is the one supporting his stance while putting on his socks. He uses both hands to put on his socks, so with his left foot on the floor and his right one hanging in the air he has to hop up and down to get the left sock on. One of these days, he'll bang his head on the bedpost when he tips over.
Thank God for Laura Bush supporting him each morning while he puts on his stockings.
Omigod! Did I write that?
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