Update on "Bush's Brain" [sic]

Karl Rove (the handsome fellow with the green tie ... left) is a mixture of brilliance, down-to-earth savvy and the cunning of a Richard Nixon ... but obviously much smarter than Nixon in many ways ... and less worldly-minded in others.
The article must be read to be believed. I had no idea just how observant Mr. Rove was and still is. And it's that quality more than any other that comes through loud and clear. He almost doesn't need the sixty-plus polls that he reads daily to "know" what Americans are thinking and how they are leaning and how they can be made to lean with a word ... a sentence ... a smile or frown ...
Some of you know that I received my second master's Degree in Experimental Statistics at North Carolina State University and much of what I learned dealt with agriculture and how you could increase productivity by carefully dicing and slicing (or is it slicing and dicing?) the variables based on statistical observation(s) that went into productivity. It's both a science and an art form and Mr. Rove would have been our top student back in the 1960s, I believe.
But, his Achilles Heel (that's not from Vanity Fair, but deduced by Mediawingnuts) is simply that the tidal wave that he is working with is almost independent of how you slice and dice the data. It's independent of that well-timed Bushian smile or an over-used word or phrase (e.g., "terrorism", "cut and run", etc.) even a last-minute Presidential position on an issue ... Iraq or otherwise ... He might just as well try to use his cunning and observational powers to try to stop Global Warming.
Nothing can stop the Democrats from picking up a majority in the House of Representatives and either picking up a slight majority or making the Senate nearly 50-50.
You can book that one!
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