Maybe President Bush is right on this one ...
Seldom do I ever agree with some of the nonsense that seems to camouflage itself as "news," but watching Glenn Beck on Sunday night and having since read the transcript

This was maybe the scariest hour of television I've watched since 9/11 and the early days of 2002 through mid-2003.
No, I didn't agree with every word that Binyamin (Binnie) Netanyahu (leader of the Likud Party in Israel) spoke to Glenn Beck, but I surely agreed with his characterization of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the current President of Iran, as a sponsor of terror and a serious "danger" to the entire world -- not just what we call "the Free World."

Unfortunately, are probably going to have to listen to the man (Ahmadinejad, photo to the left), while being very, very careful not to fall into a trap that would allow for his country -- or any rogue country to have nuclear weapons.
Mr. Ahmadinejad is not just another nameless terrorist; he's a highly radical Muslim who hates the Jews simply because they are "Jews." It's worth looking at a couple of comments made by Netanyahu over the past two weeks.
Netanyahu correctly compared Ahmadinejad with Adolf Hitler and the current times with the mid-to-late 1930s. Right on! But oh yes, Netanyahu highlighted one major difference. Hitler was already taking over large sections of the planet in 1938 while still working on the Atomic Bomb. Ahmadinejad might well already have the "bomb" by the time he makes his move ... if we and the world allow him to continue.
On that issue, I am in total agreement with our President when he states that Iran must not be permitted to develop WMDs ... of any kind!
Netanyahu might be wrong in stating that MA hates Israel because they represent us (America) -- but so what! Whether he calls us "the Great Satan" or a "patsie of the Israelis" makes little difference if he has missiles that can reach both Europe and America ... plus nuclear warheads.
Clearly, we must avoid at all costs a ground war with Iran (let's not repeat the mess in Iraq!) and use of nuclear weapons is certainly (I hope!) off the table. But we can, with or without Israel's help, destroy 95% of Iran's nuclear weapons building capability with conventional weapons while doing what we can to convince the Ayatollahs there that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a liability to what might be the most advanced country in the Middle East.
Whatever, though ... we should take Mr. Ahmadinejad at his word ... and soon!
Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs have exactly the same mentality and objectives. His arrival to the presidency in Iran was a calculated strategy to try to impose to the world the idea that Iran has already achieved the nuclear bombe and there is nothing to do about it and so the world should just negociate with the ayatollahs and accept them as a piece of this chess game. The ayatollahs in Iran need the A-Bombe to put the idea of trying to get rid of the Islamic state in Iran, out of western powers head. The ayatollahs have imposed a horrible dictatorship in Iran and are going in the same direction as Sadam did, that is creat a facsist controled state in Iran. Leting the Ayatollahs achieve the nuclear weapon is not just a treason to the world, but also to the Iranian population who will have to support this regime for many years to come.
hi all,
my advice is that israel is a very bad choice for intervention. First because it acts like fascist and no rule country, killing and killing with the agreement of the usa. it's ok if they protect themselves but not when they protect colonies or go on their hatred behavior like the words you are speaking about.
i agree with rubarzan this is totally bullshit the nuclear bomb. but i can understand so many outside country iranians hate the ayatollahs and make believe people mollah equals horror and saddam. it's very wrong. it's a very bad government and this government of terror is far less horrible than talibans of course but than saddam too! one of the problem of iran is economy purpose and increade of life cost.
it's good japan usa and many countries say: "stop you're bullshit behavior mister A. then we can make business and speak". as well it's good for iran this goverment will be over. but the way it's going to happen is not good at all: first israel, second usa is very stupid to forget that they are not the only ones on earth and that other countries are taking the rank number of usa... and their model is very bad for us, as we start to live it in my country. more and more we'll live in chinese and russian model.
to finish to give my advice ... i really would like some people stop to think with hatred and start to think there are human being there.. that so many iranians are so good persons and deserve have an economy which will let them be less dependant and live better.
of course i know in my coutnry we criticize a lot israel and in yours it's totally the opposite. just wake up and see the words. then you can understand who is wise or not.
take a good care all
Hello Joe.
Do not agree with all your
views but you do focus (as in
focus fusion) on key questions.
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