Cheney out of cave ... goes hunting!

After all that he said during his interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC, he better hide out in Wyoming for a day or two.
His key comment was, "It's a victory in Iraq and it's full speed ahead on that basis!"
Yeesh, "Stay the course" was bad enough, but "Full speed ahead"?
It's no wonder that Donald Rumsfeld isn't worried about the attacks coming at him from world leaders, the American people, the neocons who supported the war in the beginning, almost all Democrats and a great number of Republicans -- including a large number of those who are running today.
The Vice President is asking him to push harder on the accelerator. We may see 150,000 American troops in Iraq before the end of the month, no matter who wins the election today.
And, to make that point clear, he stated that the outcome of today's election was irrelevant as regards his and Bush's strategy in Iraq. He made it clear that the American people, the generals who are questioning the Iraq War, the neocons who are now questioning the Iraq War, even the new Congress that will be elected today are only caught up (now) in the voting and politics, but as for the Administration ... "We;'re not running for office, we're doing what we think is right!"
He even said that he'd refuse to appear if subpoenaed by Congress sometime after today (if the Democrats win and thus have the power to subpoena) during the rather arrogant interview.
As for his going pheasant hunting so soon after he accidentally shot his "best friend" in the face with a 28-gauge shotgun ... well, Randi made a comment on her radio show that is worth repeating ... if you want to be safe from his shotgun and happen to be in Wyoming later today, just dress to look like Osama bin Laden -- or a pheasant -- and you'll be perfectly safe. Hopefully, he'll keep both the numbers of dead and the numbers of seriously wounded on his hunting trip fairly low.
As for the real numbers (650,000-plus Iraqis, 2800-plus American troops, the wounded, etc.), watch for them to go up ... up ... up!
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