They said, "No Photography Permitted!" ... but Mediawingnuts broke through into this evening's Alfalfa affair ...
And when they removed their formal attire ... voila!!
As most of you are aware, President Barack "Three-Point Shooter Supreme" Obama and Alaska's Governor Sarah "Dig those Legs!" Palin shared Washington’s who's who spotlight this evening at something that supposedly dates back to Job in Old Testament days--the Alfalfa Dinner (and Dance).
After removing a black satin evening gown, Palin was spotted twirling the whirl with P-BO by Mediawingnuts on the ballroom dance floor at the Capitol Hilton for the Alfalfa Dinner.
The Alfalfa Dinner is normally a closed-door roast of Washington, DC's political, economic and "anything-that-makes-you-well-known" elite.
Unfortunately, a 96-year tradition restricts (downright BARS!) reporters, including honest, hard-working bloggers from even attending--let alone recording or filming--the speeches (roasts) and other activities that sparkle during the (mostly) black-tie affair.
My only hint to you who are viewing this posting as to how I got in: Ask yourself who was the anonymous character dressed as a waiter who was carrying the President's Blackberry--and used it??
Remember ... you saw it here first!
Another “Bolt from the Blue” … but this time from a real UFO—a Unique Friend and Observer of my nutty activities
It was like a bolt from the blue when I learned in Mid-August of 2007 that my closest friend and fellow UFOlogist--although Bill is a real UFOlogist and I’m a simple pretender—was about to move here to Ocean Shores and re-cement our friendship and (possibly) our UFO hunting activities.
His own UFO activities are sky-rocketing with the growth of both his website and his wide-ranging UFOlogist activities, particularly his "senior scientist" duties with the History Channel’s “UFO Hunters.”

Thus, you possibly can understand how I felt when he zapped me from behind three weeks ago to tell me that he was … returning to the Seattle area ... and then was GONE two weeks later. The picture just above doesn't do my feelings justice. It was another bolt from the blue, only this time my UFO buddy’s impulsiveness really wounded the tired and lonely old man he’s leaving behind in Ocean Shores. (But, for the record and believe it or not, I agreed wholeheartedly with his reasons for returning to big city life--and after all, Seattle is only a three-hour drive from Ocean Shores!)
Thank the Lord for the recent arrivals of my brother, Richard, and his beloved mutt, Sweetheart. I guess I'll survive, although the burn on the right side of my face certainly smarts!
When I-I'm not nea-ear the girl i love ...

Oh my heart is beating wildly
And it's all because you're here.
When I'm not near the girl I love,
I love the girl I'm near.
Ev'ry femme that flutters by me
Is a flame that must be fanned.
When I can't fondle the hand I'm fond of,
I fondle the hand at hand.
My heart's in a pickle,
It's constantly fickle
And not too partickle, I fear.
When I'm not near the girl I love,
I love the girl I'm near.
By this evening, the "race" for Hillary Clinton's former Senate seat is over ... cooked and served to the people of New York State and the U.S. Senate. Common thought has it that Governor Patterson's choice of Kirsten Gillibrand (above, left) was largely the work of senior New York Senator Charles Schumer. We all know that Andrew Cuomo was backed by Hillary Rodham (Clinton), but those of us in the know ... really know who Bill's choice was, don't we?
Bill has always been closest to those with whom he's closest ...
Congratulations Senator Gillibrand!
It sounds like a Peanuts comic strip: Charley Brown taking "The Oath of Oof ... AAarrrgh"!
Taking the Oath of ... Whatever
They were still arguing as regards who exactly screwed it up ... including my brother, Richard, and me. He thinks Justice John Roberts dropped the ball and I think it was Barack O-bombed-it ... but good.
Apparently, the Obama miscue was straightened out at 5:25 p.m. (EST) this evening when John Roberts graciously allowed himself to go through the ordeal once again.
We now have a 44th (or will he technically be the 45th after Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi?) President of the United States.
Hopefully, when Chief Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton administers the oath of office to President-Elect Sarah Palin on January 20th in 2013, those gals will get their cue cards straight.
For the record, the actual Oath of Office is in the Constitution verbatim; indeed, it is the only part of the Constitution in quotation marks. Article II, Section I, requires the president-Elect to say, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
It is Good to be Home!
It's all yours, P-BO! Enjoy!
Almost unable to contain himself, George W. Bush--who kept terrorists worldwide from attacking America since 9-11--gave serious thought to Barack Hussein Obama's coming four years, plus the expected political battle in 2012 between a waning Obama presidency and the up-and-comer, Sarah ("Betcha!") Palin.
And yes, I should mention one little boy who, while beaming broadly to the Eternal President, was holding a multi-colored sign reading, "President Bush, thank you for keeping me safe."
How Great is Our God!
I managed to get the cats settled enough to watch a really amazing video (DVD) about a week ago. The DVD was lent to me by a fellow instructor at the college for whom I teach/work.
All I can say is, "WOW!!"
The speaker was a dude whose name is Louie Giglio and his message (okay, it was a Christian sermon, but with a powerful message, I believe) blew me away.
I am in awe of Astronomy anyway, but when he spoke of and showed slides produced by NASA (Hubble Telescope), I was flattened.
He showed a number of pictures that showed the immensity of our universe--galaxy after galaxy ... and then he showed a couple of pictures that said it all for me.
He said, “This is the M51 whirlpool galaxy.
The M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
This is probably the best known galaxy out there because it sits at such a perfect angle to us. They zoomed in on this galaxy, which is one of the most well known galaxies around, they zoomed to the very center of that galaxy which is HUGE compared to ours, and this is what they saw.”
Core of the M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
“They call it, ‘the ‘X’ factor’. Call it what you will, I know what it looks like to me.”
Let me tell you, it was amazing.
And "X" factor, my foot. It's the "J" factor.
And I don't mean "Joe"!!
You might check it out ...
If I had 50,000,000 investors (at $1000 each) upset with me, I'd wear more than that dinky Kevlar vest!
Bernie Madoff showed up in front of a Federal Magistrate again today to explain why he isn't a flight risk. But this time, he wore the dinky blue bulletproof vest (Kevlar, I assume) to protect his sorry ass. My personal take on the entire affair is "eh?" ... but I do have to wonder if someone with the brains and personality to make off with fifty billion dollars in a Ponzi scheme wouldn't worry (logically so!) about the likelihood of a sniper bullet to the head.
The circus in front of the courthouse and Bernie's prominent white hair makes one wonder. I may not condone what he did, but I'd strongly recommend he think about full-body protection costuming ... and three or four doubles while he's at it wherever he goes.
Wouldn't Bernie stand out like a sore thumb in this crowd?
The baseball cap helps ... but his face makes too much of a target even then, me thinks!
My brother Richard's loft and bedroom is getting to be much ...
Richard's Sleeping Area Needs Cleaning
After reading the following article, I think it may be time for Richard and I to pull the place into some order, don't you think? ...
FoxNews.Com: Saturday, January 10, 2009 An eccentric loner in Britain hoarded so much trash he had to burrow through it to get around his home — then got lost in the maze of tunnels Friday and died of thirst.
Human mole Gordon Stewart, 74, had filled his rooms up to the ceiling with 10 years’ worth of garbage and clutter, making it impossible to walk around.
The compulsive hoarder is believed to have become disorientated inside the walls of rotting trash and unable to find a way out — then collapsed with dehydration.
Neighbors raised the alarm after failing to see him leave his house in Broughton, Bucks, for several days.
When cops arrived, the stench from the garbage was so foul they brought in a police diving team equipped with breathing apparatus.
It is believed they crawled around the tunnel network until they uncovered Stewart’s body.
A neighbor revealed: “A police officer said the interior was piled up with huge mounds of rotting rubbish and there was an elaborate network of tunnels to move around."
“They think Stewart may have got lost and died from dehydration.”
I think my sister Nancy agrees with me about the need for a "cleanup," but after reading about "The Fellowship of the Loft" on Richard's blogsite, she undoubtedly feels even more strongly today. His posting of this past Thursday (January 8, 2009) was especially enlightening.
Well, I guess Carpet chatter is more Christian ...
President Bush showing former presidents and the next President his choice of carpet for the Oval Office
My sister, Nancy, chided me for my previous posting as not reflecting the Love of Jesus which I truly hope that I carry with me every minute of every day.
If that's so, I apologize to Ann Coulter, Rod Blagojevich and any others of you so offended.
Say it ain't so, Blago!
Unfounded rumors continue to flurry about the possible tryst between Ann Coulter (currently available, it seems) and Rod Blagojevich who, although married, finds a way out of his dilemma in Illinois--it's called bait-and-switch!
What's in it for Ann Coulter--other than trading Andrew Stein in for a newer model?
Well, I guess it might help sell her new book if Blago is found "Guilty" -- as she so aptly titled her latest book. And God knows, he fits her subtitle, "Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America" to a tee!!
Kennedy or Burris? If I had to choose only one, I'd go with Burris!
Caroline Kennedy -- US Senator?
Roland Burris -- US Senator?
Others in the legal profession seem to take the same view that I do of the right of the Senate not to seat Roland Burris: Under the 1969 Supreme Court case of Powell v. McCormack, the Senate has no right at all to do that. There is no evidence that Burris accepted ANYTHING other than the offer to accept or reject the nomination--and the fact that he is African-American and 71 years-old should not have a bearing on the Democrats' seeming to not want him to mix into their lily-white ranks. They accepted Barack (he was half white, after all), but seem bound and determined to block an eminently qualified man from joining their ranks.
The only word on his resume that causes him a problem seems to be the word: "Blagojevich"!!
On the other hand, in Seeking Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy brings essentially no experience and a hurriedly written resume that is highlighted also by only one word: "Kennedy"!!
I was wrong!! The Surge WORKED!!
Iraqi Honor Guard Takes Back the Iraqi Government Palace
Forget hypnosis and my silly comments about goodness and truth not being possible without it (hypnosis). The return of the palace to Iraqi control is part of a security accord between Baghdad and Washington finalised last month. Further, the deal maps out a timetable for US troops to withdraw from towns and cities by the middle of this year, and to leave the country completely by the end of 2011.
Whudda ever thought?
Thank you, President Bush and all of you who have been working to that end in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East.
World Hypnotism Weekend (WHD itself is on Sunday) brings back memories of year's end in 1978!
Yeh, that's Mediawingnuts second from the bottom on the right -- taken from p. 55 of the December 18, 1978 issue of Time Magazine. Click on collage for clearer view.
What better way to bring my 410-K assets back to where I will be able to at least buy beans and franks after June 30, 2009?
I am pleased to announce to you all that the City of Ocean Shores, Washington has chosen to join governments around the world by recognizing January 4th 2009 as World Hypnotism Day ... and the upcoming weekend as "Let's Redo Our New Year's Resolutions Weekend--But This Time Under Hypnosis" !!
Not only do I resolve to discontinue any gory or "shocking" (ugly shocking, that is ... funny shocking still goes--but in good taste, Serenissima) photos, but I will only meditate on that which the world needs most ... love, truth and knowledge that we are all reflections of God's perfect love.
... And surely my earlier predictions were obviously conceived while NOT under hypnosis!
Happy World Hypnotism Day!
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