Rumsfeld's new concept of warfare -- high technology and air power is sufficient -- is failing!

It seems as though ... just as Iraq's efforts were going down the rathole ... the "war in Afghanistan" (Junior Bush's "War I") is also turning south just as quickly. Everything seemed to be going so "swimmingly" (to borrow Condi's phraseology) in Afghanistan, and now it too is unraveling into a disaster of the first order: (1) the Taliban returning in force, (2) Osama and his henchmen finding sanctuary in Pakistan -- but close enough to conduct raids into Afghanistan, (3) women beginning (again) to fall under the dictates of fundamentalist Islam, (4) casualties rising almost exponentially, (5) Karzai's control (and ours) restricted to only a portion of one city -- Kabul, (6) the drug trade back to where it was -- and now, even supplying the world's largest portion of opium, and (7) the country's "legitimate government" (the one we installed) remains both corrupt and unbelievably weak.
How could this be?
Rumsfeld's concept of "modern warfare" consisting of small groups of ground forces ("I'll fire the next person who mentions the need for a plan for after the invasion!") following massive air power -- beginning with an unbelievable amount of ordnance poured onto the centers of the enemy's Command and Control -- was supposed to do the trick. Hellfire, Rumsfeld was quoted as saying, "a breathtaking accomplishment," even before Bush declared "mission accomplished!"
What happened?
Iraq (Junior Bush's "War II") has become the quagmire (Bush hates that word!) that we all see nightly on our television sets. And worse yet, the entire Muslim world seems to hate us even more today than they did before we showed them and the rest of the world what America's might was capable of doing on that glorious night in green and gray on our television sets as "Shock and Awe" unfolded.
The National Intelligence Estimate (declassified only yesterday) of the consensus analysis of our 16 primary intelligence agencies now bears witness to the failure of the "Rumsfeld Strategy of Modern Warfare." The Iraq War has increased the threat of terrorism rather than reduced it!
Where do you go after making mistake after mistake ... from the original invasions and attacks that had no moral legitimacy to the failed events and efforts after the "breathtaking" (Rummy's word for it) Shock and Awe? "what about after the fall of Baghdad, Iraq and/or Kabul, Afghanistan?" -- the question(s) that, if asked, would end your military career? [Rummy said, "I'll fire the next person who ..."]
Future Presidents (Bush's own words) will have to deal with that!
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