Rumsfeld is dissed by generals/colonels ... yet again!

A minority Senate hearing included the following:
Retired Major General Paul Eaton said of Rumsfeld "... Incompetent strategically, operationally, tactically ..." He went on, "Mr Rumsfeld and his immediate team must be replaced or we will see two more years of extraordinarily bad decision-making."
Retired Major General John R. Batiste said, "I believe that Secretary Rumsfeld and others in the administration did not tell the American people the truth for fear of losing support for their war in Iraq." [BTW, Batiste was the one who let the cat out of the bag as regards Rummy threatening the next senior military official to question "what about after the invasion; what about the occupation?" with being fired -- before the disaster that has taken place since Baghdad fell more than three years ago.]
Retired Colonel Paul X. Hammes put it succinctly. He simply said that not providing our troops with the best possible anti-armor equipment was a "serious moral failure on the part of our leadership."
All three of these true soldiers served in Iraq and were responsible for major operations and activities. Hammes is now a Marine Senior Military Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, National Defense University. Eaton was responsible for training the Iraqi military and for rebuilding the Iraqi Police Force. Batiste was commander of the Army's First Infantry Division in Iraq and also served as a senior advisor to then Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz
The Republicans are refusing to conduct hearings ... period! Maybe the recent National Intelligence Estimate (estimate/analysis of all 16 intelligence agencies) -- key elements released only yesterday -- were a factor in the Republicans backing away from this hot potato.
BTW, my brother, Richard from Connecticut, has waded in on this and recommends the Washington Post's story. He (bro from Conn.) now has a site dedicated to Rummy. How 'bout that?
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