Maybe we should listen to President Karzai ...

I did a little (a lot of!) digging this evening and realize that although we chose him, and essentially installed him, we did it for good reasons. Give this one to George Bush! Now, we have to support him before he is assassinated along with Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf.
He believes that Osama bin Laden and his top brass are hiding in Pakistan. Pakistan's president (Musharraf) believes this also or he wouldn't have signed a peace accord with the Taliban who are all over the upper northwest corner of his country.
Mr. Bush: listen carefully to what the other two presidents (M and K) have to say on the day after tomorrow and/or Thursday ... and then insist that they and you sign an ironclad pact to do whatever is necessary to put that terrorist (Osama been Forgotten) behind bars or under the ground. Agree to even pay for the gravestone, if necessary.
The key is that these two presidents have put their necks on the line for us more than once; it's time we did all in our power to help them out of their current dilemma.
And while we're at it, we should be thinking about giving additional aid ($$$) to Afghanistan. We've pumped $300 billion into favored contractors in Iraq; the least we can do is help to get Afghanistan back on its feet.
Just musing ...
Yort -
You're right. I certainly hope that either/or (or both) Karzai and Musharraf don't make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of a more moderate Islam in Afghanistan and/or pakistan.
Go, Hillary go!
MWN (Joe)
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