Guru Mediawingnuts' September Predictions ... including the "October Surprise"!

My current (September) predictions for the 2006 Midterm Elections:
The Democrats will pick up more seats in the House of Representatives than I would have thought possible before last week's leaks from the April 2006 National Intelligence Estimate and before Bill Clinton KO'ed Fox News ... for the count!. I'm back to looking for the Democrats to pick up at least a dozen and a half seats making the makeup of the House as of 2007:
Republicans: 213
Independents: 1
The Senate is tougher for the Democrats to make headway, but The Republicans will find a way to allow the Democrats to actually take the Senate! You heard Swami Mediawingnuts correctly; we (okay, I'm biased and the pronoun, "we" is proper) will pick up a half dozen or more of the 33 seats being contested and the new makeup of the Senate in January of 2007 will be:
Republicans: 48
Independents: 0 [Lieberman loses]
Obviously, with that makeup, an impeachment by the House in late 2007 is back to depending more upon whether Dick Cheney is still hanging on to his job (still by a toenail) than upon the case made for impeachment in the spring and summer (of 2007) impeachment hearings; however, the Senate will not find the President "guilty" on even one of the several counts of Impeachment -- my current prediction is as many as five counts, and Bush will likely serve the last year of his term in the same manner as Clinton served out his final years in the Presidency ... that is, as an "impeached" man. The reason Cheney's hanging on to the Vice Presidency is so important to the outcome of the impeachment hearings in the House and the trial in the Senate is because the Democrats still fear running against the brilliant and (but growing less) savvy, Condoleezza Rice in the Presidential 2008 race.
Nonetheless, as the sitting Vice President, she would be tough enough; however, as the sitting President she'd be nigh unbeatable.
Guru Mediawingnuts has spoken!
As always, I'll pass on my brother's predictions (Richard is from Connecticut, you know) as soon as he passes them to me later this week. You can kick his butt directly by knocking on his anti-Rumsfeld door.
Ahhh yes ... the "October Surprise": Watch for Mr. Bush to put naval forces in position in the Persian Gulf to attack Iran's nuclear facilities (missiles and aircraft), but will hold off on any actual attack until after the November elections. He knows that a sudden jump in oil prices would likely soften the increase in seats gained by "moderate toughness" and he won't go further than bluster and intimidation ... in October, at least.
But ... watch for "something" to come out of the clear blue from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald who has about had it with attacks from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. With Armitage's help, he is liable to come up with a surprise indictment ... before the Midterm Elections!
Oh yes ... 2008: Watch for President Hillary Rodham to appoint Laura Bush as her Secretary of Education. Bill Clinton will still spend time in the ante room off of the Oval Office, but it will be someone other than Monica Lewinsky this time.
Guru Mediawingnuts has spoken!
Zogby and Rasmussen say this thing is un-callable. And they do agree that Santorum is in trouble.
Here is what's awful about the mid-terms: we have men and women dieing in Iraq and Afghanistan and the only way to fix this is to send in more troops (this means Rummy must go), but that can't be done before the mid-terms. Sick, isn't it?
The "October Surprise" may be happening now--The Dow is going crazy, gas prices down. But the alive capture of UBL would be great.
November 8th is a crapshoot.
Zogby and Rasmussen say this thing is un-callable. And they do agree that Santorum is in trouble.
Here is what's awful about the mid-terms: we have men and women dieing in Iraq and Afghanistan and the only way to fix this is to send in more troops (this means Rummy must go), but that can't be done before the mid-terms. Sick, isn't it?
The "October Surprise" may be happening now--The Dow is going crazy, gas prices down. But the alive capture of UBL would be great.
November 8th is a crapshoot.
Hi Rich -
Yes, November 8 could easily be a crapshoot ... except that ... Guru Mediawingnuts has spoken.
Clearly, the dropping gasoline prices and the DOW's performance is all part of the GOP "plan," but the real "surprise" will come from entirely unexpected corners -- surprising to everybody!
Bro Joe
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