Bill Clinton delivers knock-out blow to Fox News

Thus, this is only a means by which you can easily access the transcript of that one-sided encounter that clearly points out the failures of the Bush Administration in going after and capturing/killing Osama bin Laden.
Clinton summed it up rather well with his comparison of Bush's miniscule efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan to get bin Laden versus his efforts (seven times larger and more Americans dead now than were killed on 9/11) to close out the Sunni-Shiite civil war in Iraq -- not even related to worldwide terrorism until we got there with "Shock and Awe."
I hope that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were watching Fox News Sunday yesterday.
I just read the full transcript and I am 100% in Clintons corner. This man is the perfect politician. The right wing media, which I stopped watching foxnews over 3 years ago, did an aweful aweful job and Rush L. & Drudgereport could only say how crazy Clinton is. The dude was basically blindsided by a question. And, look how Chris Wallace ended the interview, "thank you for one of the more unusual interviews", what an ASS! This really pissed me off and threw me, not walked me, but threw me into Clintons corner from here now until after the 2008 elections. Hilary in 2008!
Yort -
Had John Kerry taken on the Swiftboat crowd in the manner that Clinton took on Bush (as he should have), Kerry would be president today.
Hillary would/pssibly will bring us health care that is badly needed by so many.
MWN (Joe)
Joe- I just wrote a blurp on TODC about this topic. You inspired me. Check it out and if you have if you want to get involved in any of the debate, feel free to chirp in. I am sure this RIGHT WING will be hyper critical of the conclusions I came too.
Yort -
Good commentary and good debate. Both sides have valid points. As for Hillary in 2008, it really is a little early for thoughts on that -- although I get a kick out of mentioning it now and again. :)
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