Mel Gibson (and Mediawingnuts) likens Iraq War to human sacrifice ...

Mel Gibson never seems to do things in a little way, does he?
Okay, I don't put much stock in the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 -- my older cats won't even make it until then!
But his making a very obvious parallel between the human sacrifices made by the Mayans before their civilization slid into obscurity and our sending soldier after soldier to Iraq to die for either the Sunnis or the Shiites (depending upon to which unit the soldier is assigned) in the Iraq Civil War is tantamount to "human sacrifice" for the contractors and others who are lapping up the enormous profits to be made from the 300 to 500 billion dollars we are shipping their by the boatload.
And Mel Gibson is no liberal. Remember how the liberals were on his case for depicting The passion of the Christ so closely with the Bible and also accused him of anti-Semitism at the same time?
Mel Gibson is an artist and he calls 'em as he sees 'em. What else do you call shipping young men and women off to Iraq for no reason? Okay, the Republicans call it a "mistake" and the Democrats call it deliberate oil-related mis-allocation of our military to a non-9/11 "enemy." In either case, it seems like the term "human sacrifice" fits perfectly.
Hopefully, we won't go the way of the Mayan civilization ...
I was surprised by his latest statement, myself. Normally, I disagree with his politics, but this time he seemed to make sense.
Serenissima -
Yes, I was surprised also. His comments were as directly against Mr. Bush's War as any I've ever read or heard.
People are moving towards common sense, it seems.
MWN (Joe)
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