First, we learn that there was less torture under Saddam ... and now, we learn that terrorism is higher than before we mistakenly attacked Iraq!

What next? Now we learn that the Iraq War has actually raised the terror threat in America and worldwide ... as well as the condition(s) of most Iraqis. And no, this is not just some Democratic Party propaganda or some irrelevant commentator's best guess -- it's an official classified assessment of the war's affect of terrorism taken directly out of the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) received (but seldom read, I fear) by the White House and Congress as a consensus opinion of the sixteen spy agencies throughout the Government -- that's the CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, etc, etc, etc.
If this report doesn't disconnect Bush's war/occupation of Iraq from the ongoing War on Terror [sic], I guess I don't know what will. This isn't a political issue; it's a disaster and a shameful loss of American and Iraqi life (plus others) that we are talking about.
What do we tell the families now? What do we say to the wives, husbands and parents of the young men and women involved in a conflict that is actually raising the terror threat?
Perhaps, Mr. Bush isn't at fault; after all, he has had to follow the directions of his handlers, the neocons (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc.) until now ... but with this report in his hands, he can try to rectify the situation ... now!
I was watching a report this evening on the local news about this very topic and again I'm disenchanted by the enormous mistakes the American government has made, falling straight into the great casm Al Quede hoped would happen post-9/11.
Something really needs to be done to save your nation!
sadly usa are giving a very bad picture to the world nowadays.
i agree with orhan kahn. here is a trap and bush felt straight into it. some french would say that bush created the hell by aim.
it makes me remember the sassanide (persian) empire with Sapor(Shapûr) I . The zoroastrian leader Kirdir (not sure baout the name) was so much into war and the shah decided then to make war but they religious didn't respect any other culture . The shah understood it later. Of course i don't mean it is not respect about culture but i think not only there is a problem of policy but as well that some people around bush are very bad advisers. like kirdir who was a very terrible man who hated so much Mani, the christian prophet.
hopefully my old neighboor was not right: "if we want economical up and find back hapiness, we need a big war". i could imagine him loosing his girlfriend and parents in the war... and become happy after it!
terrible world with so many stupid people to educate.
Orhan Kahn and le Rouge et le Noir -
No, this wasn't a "trap." If UBL wanted to "trap" GWB, he would have included an Iraqi or two in the 9/11 attacks.
This was entirely concocted by the neocons who hold the strings on the White Houe. Yes, UBL was delighted that we invaded Iraq, but he can't take credit for the stupidity of the leaders who led our "leader" into the worst American fiasco of the past 150 years.
MWN (Joe)
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