Pelosi and Obama in 2008 ... something that both my brother, Richard from Connecticut, and I can agree on as a winning combo!

Wouldn't you all say that it's time that we shied away from the tact of searching for the "most electable" candidates and went for the most American candidates?
No one can argue that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama embody the desires of most Americans while having a deep-seeded care for those same Americans in their hearts.
We, as Americans, more than anything else, like to see, hear and sense hope and optimism in our leaders, together with that intangible love that so few politicians display. Clearly, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama embody these traits and ... so much more!
Nancy Pelosi, the somewhat liberal Congresswoman from California -- painted more "liberal" by the district that she represents than she really is -- has shown herself to be the member of Congress with greater leadership qualities than anyone else -- even more than Hillary who is still one of my heroes for having taken on the insurance and pharmaceutical companies in a losing cause way back in 1993.
And Barack Obama has demonstrated the vision that makes him a likely future president of the United States himself within a decade or so. Where Pelosi is street-smart, Obama is visionary; where Pelosi is practical and can "count heads" among her fellow Congressmen and women, Obama is thoughtful and deliberate and would provide that true "Vice President" that we have been lacking for almost six years now.
Neither of these great Americans even shows up yet in the polls, but Richard (my brother in Connecticut) and I will be watching to see the meteoric rise in their numbers over the next two years. As my brother reminds me, we should recognize that most Americans are moderates in their political leanings and who could be more moderate and common-sensical than these two great candidates for 2008?
Pelosi and Obama ... 2008 begins the real future of our great nation!
UHHH, NO! Nancy Pelosi will never win a bid for Presidency. IMHO I think this would be a disastor for the Democratic Party Nomination. This would be worse then Kerry winning.
After watching Bill Clinton interview I am 100% in support of giving this man a 3rd and 4th term!!!! I guess we might have to settle for Hilary?
Yort -
Hey, if it takes a nancy Pelosi to move you into Bill Clinton's corner (no Monica in the corner though!), so be it.
We'll welcome your vote for Hillary in 2008.
MWN (Joe)
Its not going to take Nancy Pelosi to get me to vote Hilary but it will take Clinton to get me to vote for her. I am still interested to see who runs for the rights. IMHO-Colin Powell would win hands down to any lefty. (but his wife won't let him run)
yort -
So I understand (about CP's wife, that is). And yes, part of the reason that I would vote for Hillarious is that her hubby would be in the next room at all times.
MWN (Joe)
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