9/22/06 ... the new 9/11/01 ... by the numbers

A couple of weeks ago, I suggested that this day would arrive later in the month. It has.
According to the AP, 2696 American men and women in uniform have died in Iraq. Add to that the 278 who have died in Afghanistan and we see that the 9/11 death toll of 2973 was reached and passed sometime today.
My earlier numbers have obviously been updated.
American deaths as a result of the terrorist acts on 9/11 is now at 9/11 times two. Of course, the reasons for the ongoing carnage in both Afghanistan and Iraq are considerably more complex than they were when Mr. Bush ordered troops to Afghanistan to catch and kill or capture Osama bin Laden ... and the deaths of our boys and girls overseas measures little more than pain, but maybe ... just maybe ... Mr. Bush will notice the numbers and decide that enough pain has been sustained to even the score, so to speak, for the tragedy of 9/11.
War is a peculiar phenomenon. Enough is never enough!

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