Bush and gang can't see Global Warming in front of their noses ...

I might excuse Mickey Mouse, but goodness gracious ... Surely, Ann and Osama read the papers and even O.J. reads the back sections by now. And GWB could have Condi read the headlines to him, even if he's not "into reading newspapers" (a direct quote).
The journal, Nature, said today that "the Bush Administration has blocked release of a report that suggests global warming is contributing to the frequency and strength of hurricanes."
What evidence is needed? The lead researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (in New York) that the global warming in only the last three decades has gotten the earth's temperature reaching the highest temperature in the current interglacial period. We're now about 12,000 years into the "current interglacial period."
In fact, we are now within 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (one degree Centigrade) of the maximum temperature reached by the earth in a million years!
In addition, the National Academy of Sciences estimated back in 2003 that some species of animals and plants have slowly (4 miles per decade -- not that slow!) been moving towards the North Pole over the past five decades as a result of the global warming. It's worse in the northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere -- largely due to excessive use of fossil fuels in the Northern Hemisphere.
All of the blame shouldn't go to the intellectual midget in the White House; his advisors surely could use waterboarding or sleep deprivation (with the new Congressional bills nearly completed) to get him to listen to them and not his brother, Jeb, who called the White House to say that this year proves that we are having fewer hurricanes ... and to ignore the global data collected and analyzed over the past half century.
Hello ,
my name is frederic ,yes.
about your article...
i was reading about James Hansen publication today. Seems terrible as you say. But don't forget China and India which are going to make it worst. Was reading about the GISS data showing the acceleration of the process of temp' increase. The conclusion seems to be that if the temp increasing by too much , a level will be reached . The consequences are that our earth is not going to be "different". The level is 2-3 degrees celsius .
thank you for your article and your care about our planet :)
Is this just Bush & Gang or are some Liberals also 'blind' (or just have a different view of why the earth warms and cools).
*btw, I didn't realize we had weathermen for the past 12,000 years let alone a MILLION YEARS!
Another side note: Bill Clinton shot Al Gore's Global warming down while he was President. Don't believe me? FGI!
If only someone could convince him to write a letter to his future grandchildren explaining his decisionmaking.
Imagine the planet if we all wrote such letters...
yort lol
maybe they were weathermen 12,000 years ago ;) but they were not writing anything as far as we know ;)
seriously he was speaking about ice age, the last one.... 12 000 years ago. and you can measure the temperature and know the conditions on earth with ice study (they do it in south pole)!
whatever about ice age Dr. Landscheidt thinks the new ice age is coming pretty soon (2030 or something)?but it's all about magnetic field of sun.
for 12 000 years i forgot to say it doesn't seem anything to be with the data he was speaking about... the GISS ones indeed. just 12 000 years is ice age.
take good care all
and happy week end
All -
I really don't know how temperatures in ages past are measured -- or most other planetary measurements. Science (at least that aspect of it) can be quite technical and peculiar.
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