Finally, the Republicans see the light!

I may have to rethink my previous post wherein I dissed the Republicans for everything from my loss of unemployment benefits to cruelty to Gulf wildlife.
The Republican Party FINALLY sees the error of their ways and is asking for the US to pull out of an unwinnable war. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele finally articulated the latest Republican views on the Afghanistan War and surprise! .... He pointed out the futility of defeating the Taliban in a shooting war and all but told Obama to "Get out of Afghanistan!"
This puts the Republican Party in line with the Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and even the Green Party for the first time in my memory.
Congratulations to the Republican Party for FINALLY seeing the light!
Its about time that the republicans are on our side,whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now the president needs to get all our men and women out of Afghanistan. I believe this a total miracle and "God" is behind it all the way. From a child of the most High "God:
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