Latest news! Coast Guard personnel are denying reporters access to taking photos of the oil-soaked birds ... to protect the birds!

Money talks! BO#1 (Barack Obama) is simply another American President controlled by BO#2 (Big Oil) and corporate dollars. Admittedly, not quite as bad as most of the Congressional Republicans, but tell that to the birds. Barack Obama's "leadership" in denying reporters access to the stomach-wrenching and tear-inducing sights and sounds of the Gulf coast is simply ... noted. Transparency is clearly "through a glass darkly."
Once this calms down, BO#Wan-Kinobi will allow drilling off the East Coast, the West Coast, the Gulf of Mexico and pretty much anywhere BO#2 (Big Oil) and Corporate America (and their Congressional Republican sycophants) want it.
How much longer before we (who are showing little inclination to stop BO#1 or BO#2) will have destroyed what is left of the Planet? The scenes on CNN and MSNBC Cable News broadcasts demonstrates that the Gulf of Mexico is little more than a cesspool today.
At least Fox Cable News [sic] has slightly less obnoxious (than photos of oil-soaked birds) talking heads like their #1 clown, Glenn Beck, and/or their #1 Nazi, Sean Hannity, carefully masking what’s going on south of Louisiana.
Mr. Mediawingnuts (what does your name mean, anyway?)
Don't count on the President to hang tight as regards letting unregulated (essentially) drilling off shore continue. He was made a joke of by BP and the Big Oil dudes too much, I think, and he will be even angrier when he learns that he's being depicted as 'non-transparent'.
Jay (Worrying about the same problems off the coast of California)
It seems hard to believe, that the news reporters would be so in sensitive to the birds. Don't you think they have been through enough? or maybe the coast guard is covering up something or it could be both. What do you all think about that? as of for me I feel real sorry for those poor birds, but mainly my heart goes out to all those families, that lost their husbands and boyfriends and friends in that accident. But it is really a shock to think our President could be so in sensitive and I hardly believe that he really didn't know what was going on all along. Obama should of been their when it first happen, shame on you Mr. President! From A child of the Most High God of Greys Harbor County
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