Democrat or Republican? ... It doesn't really matter, does it? Corporate Interests will be protected till Hell Freezes Over!

My goodness! The Senate Republicans seem to have all the might of a Rocky Balboa and a 10.6 magnitude earthquake combined when the interests of corporations are even mildly threatened (spelled: Single Provider Health Care, BP providing a slush fund, extension of unemployment benefits--that one hits home for me, or even raising taxes on those who are making millions on their game-playing with the Stock Market to curb rising deficits).
Still a vote for a Democrat is probably slightly better than a vote for a Republican ... or Joe Lieberman (I, Conn) and Ben Nelson (D. Neb) who joined in the latest filibuster of some help for those of us who are unemployed and (currently) unemployable.
Without the extension, more than a million of us will be off of the unemployment rolls come July 1st. But then, yacht races and oil prices/production will continue to be safe ... for a short while, anyway.
I agree - Lets get those unemployment checks rolling. It's very hard for those folks trying to find a job right now.
You tell 'em Joe!
Mr. P
It really doesn,t matter if they are democrat or republicans as longs has they can gives us our jobs back and then some, like unemployment checks until we can get a job. Its hard to make things happen and put food in our mouths and get our bills paid and the normal things that we need without money to do so with. LMD
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