Tell me how we are making progress as Gulf Coast governors and senators still insist that Obama's moratorium on off-coast drilling should be ended!
A bird is mired in oil on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010. Oil from the Deepwater Horizon has affected wildlife throughout the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)
I think I've had it with the nincompoops who insist that off-shore drilling makes sense!
e.g, Nincompoop Rush Limbaugh: "I'd rather have my birds soaking up a little crude than being completely blown out of the sky by a wind farm"
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I really know that nothing is being done with cleaning up the oil, because the oil on the wildlife is worst not better and I would like to see these governors and senators with oil all over them like our wildlife, because I feel really bad for what those poor birds and wildlife have to go through because of their "quote" on "quote" clean up they are suppose to be doing. Hogwash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From LMD of Ocean Shores
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