Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Bo's Cafe: It's all about Him!

Take a chance; read it!

This is a book that will hardly win a prize in literature. But, for many of you, I think, it just might hit home. Let me quote a few lines from the book:

"Doesn't matter how competent, intelligent, or accomplished you are [or think you are!] You've got it [shame] tucked away in there. And nobody can cope for any period of time with the feeling of that nakedness. You know what shame does? It takes a particular violation or several violations from your past, something that really got to you, and convinces you [that what you] felt like in that violation is who you'll always be, for the rest of your life. Sad,huh? --- We don't want others to see us for the person the lie has told us we are. We almost unconsciously create a lie to protect us from the lie. Bad combination." (pp.146-147). (emphasis mine)

It takes great strength for me to realize that the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived took more than my sins and guilt with Him to His death on the cross. My shame was nailed up there too ... almost 2000 years before I was even born, but I can forget that in a nanosecond if I allow myself to forget.

He [Jesus] essentially said,
"I took your shame for you two thousand years ago. And I won the right to have it never, ever again define you. It doesn't belong to you anymore. It's over. That's the truth. (p. 151)"

Why can't I remember that simple, but profound truth?

Anthony Van Dyck's Crucifixion


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason you can't remember because you probably are not ready to do do, but don't give up you will with help from God you will beable to do so. But I do agree that everyone goes through that, from time to time, even myself.

A Friend In Christ from India

At 7:44 PM, Blogger John Szabo said...

Hi Uncle Joe, thanks for the book recommendation... will be reading it and those others!!! Thx!!!

I will show them to Mom also!!!

Hope you like the Godwinks books!


Nephew John

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

It often takes a good book -- or the sight of a beautiful wildflower that irritates farmers and gardeners alike -- to return my eyes to Jesus Who created it ALL!!


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