Will we ever know the true cost to humanity?

Like half of America--and maybe the world--I saw the CEO of BP on the news. He probably didn't know he was being recorded when he said "I can't wait to just get my life back". The bird above and the 11 workers who died on that rig can't get their real lives back.
A cap on the cost to BP? $2.5 trillion seems too small. Can the Department of Energy simply take BP's assets and any other Big Oil companies' assets--those who believe that the Gulf of Mexico and oceans worldwide belong to them?
Since four and a half nanoseconds ago

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thats a shame thst 11 people and one bird had to die because of what happen and then to top it off, that they had to just put it on the back burner. It really doesn't make me feel very good about our President and living in the United States. From LMD of Ocean Shores
One bird? I assume you are being sarcastic. It's more like 2500 birds as best can be counted by the Fish & Wildlife experts. Joe
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