Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Faces of Corporate Greed

The faces of capitalistic greed as I see them this week: BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg (center) with his predecessor Peter Sutherland (left) and BP chief executive Tony Hayward--who, incidentally, stated earlier this month that he wants his "life back" and then went to the yacht races in England this weekend to commemorate his "life" after putting Carl-Hendric Svanberg's "small people" behind him

BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg, after this week's meeting with President Obama, provided the most recent BP gaffe: "We care about the small people!"

But, if that wasn't bad enough, America's own Republican Congressman Joe Barton apologized to Hayward for the "tragedy" ... not of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, but of Barack Obama asking BP to pay back the "small people" referred to by Svanberg ... for their losses.

Barton's comments typify in general the Republican party mindset vis-a-vis their priorities toward the average American "entities": corporations first, people second or maybe a distant sixth behind Wall Street derivatives, Dick Cheney's hunting trophies, their guns and, of course, their own puppies and kitties--puppies grow into hunting dogs--kitties don't, which explains that minor sub-ordering among the fifth priority--just above you and me, the "small people."

Think about it next time you vote!

Corporate Greed Representative Joe Barton (R. Tex.), just the type person for whom you would likely be voting--if you choose the Republican candidate!


At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really need someone that really cares not someone out for the mighty dollar, in office.

From someone that really cares about the people, not money. LMD


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