LMRP Containment System at work now ... about as successful as Top Hat, Top Kill and Cut-and-Cap, I'd say ...

Taken from the BP Oil Spill Live Feed – The success of the Lowe Marine Riser Package (LMRP) Containment System was earlier being lauded by the BP officials--even as the spill looked like the above on CNN in the middle of the night with Sanjay Gupta open-mouthed and disbelieving. They said that we can all expect within one or two days that the transfer of oil to the LMRP containment system would be stabilized, however, they are still unsure as to the actual capacity of this Containment System.
Lord, love a duck!
My suggestions to Mr. Obama still stand although I'd recommend also that Mr. Obama move Hillary from the State Department and put her in charge of BP's lame (to date) efforts to save the entire Gulf Coastline and perhaps the Eastern Seaboard. She'd have those billionaires skimming oil off the surface of the water and sand in about 30 nanoseconds.
I agree with you Joe,that Hillary should take over, because it would of been done yesterday, because she cares more about us than they do and that is including President Obama. Hillary has a heart and could teach them a thing or too.
From LMD of Ocean Shores
Yes! She would have the oilmen sitting in front of her as she did the insurance thieves and Big Pharm back in 1992. The outcome might be different in 2010.
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