Really, I'm still a great fan of Barack Obama ... but his reaction to the oil spill leaves me aghast!

I highly suspect that most (if not all) of my VERY progressive children and their spouses are aghast AT ME for suggesting that the moderate (corporate--bought and paid for) Democrat, Barack Obama, might not be doing his very best to protect the Gulf of Mexico and just might be covertly acting in the interests of BP and Big Oil.
But what am I to believe as he and his A-team continue to be fooled and bamboozled by the simplest and most obvious of ploys to insure that BP's liabilities are minimal when this disaster is behind us ... if ever? Migod! Did he really fall for the 400 oil cleanup "workers" who coincidentally showed up on the shoreline in costumes they had never before worn to work until shortly after he left. (Persons who have been there day in, day out reported to Anderson Cooper that there were seldom more than twenty workers in that area until just before Obama arrived.)
And how is it that neither Obama nor his A-team realized until sixteen hours later that BP's pumping of mud as a prelude to "Top Kill" (so far, about as successful as "Top Hat" was) had been shut off and that it was "oil as usual" for that long while the Coast Guard was reporting on both MSNBC and CNN that the mud was still being pumped.
Someone ain't talkin' to sumbuddy, I'd say.
It's time to get a leader who is willing to take charge of this situation--Bill Clinton or a resurrected Harry Truman (or George Patton) come to mind. Clinton would at least be down in Louisiana sharing in the pathos of the fisherman and others whose livelihoods are literally being pushed out to sea by gigantic oil plumes, and Harry Truman would have had half the US Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Civil Servants between GS-5 and GS-11 and all of EPA working overtime in the Gulf after 40 days. He might even drop a nuclear weapon into the Gulf if a resurrected Henry Kissinger suggested it. (Please don't do THAT!!)
And you too should be there, Mr.'re needed ON THE SCENE NOW. Its was 25 days between your visits down to the Louisiana shoreline, but you're needed down there NOW ... even at the expense of the pinheads on Fox News bashing you for not speaking eloquently on Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery. And for the love of chocolate syrup on ice cream, please show even a tad of emotion--sadness, anger, whatever!
And oh yes, should you find yourself distracted by calls from Rahm Emanuel, even if they involve the burgeoning problems in Korea or you own administration's lawbreaking vis-a-vis trying to get Arlen Specter nominated, put everything not related to that damned oil leak on the backburner.
Don't waffle on this one, Mr. President! More than the next election depends upon it.
This oil spill is unbelievable. It is upsetting the government hasn't done more to stop the spill and been more tough on BP.
Your essay is pertinent.
Mr. P
Amen, brothers, amen!
Obama should be opening his eyes and going down their to see if all they are saying is true and then he would see it isn't true. I believe that being down their to make sure that oil is cleaned up, should be first above anything, not speaking on Memorial Day. Because the people would understand why he would have to go down their and would respect him
more for doing it.
From LMD of Ocean Shores
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