I think you get the picture ...
The following scenario unfolded in my diseased mind while on the phone with my brother Richard in Connecticut earlier this evening ... but is also probably already etched in stone in the bowels of Dick Cheney's war room:
1. - Both nomination processes will surely tighten up with Hillary stumbling a bit around her unpopular--even if oftentimes correct--positions and her own shaky campaign financing ... and Rudy trying unsuccessfully to dodge a bullet or two with his own past association with--and choice of--a New York City police commissioner and oh yes, some pre-9/11 mayoral mistakes coming to light.
2. - Israel becoming antsy as it watches its two most viable pro-Israel candidates getting bumped a bit prior to Iowa and New Hampshire.
3. - The US Government becoming even more mired in Mideast and Asian political debacles -- Pakistan now becoming an additional burden to the Bush team and with an Iraq "victory" becoming even harder to define than was ever even possible back in 2003.
4. - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continuing to threaten Israel and (in words and silly gestures) continuing to thumb his nose at the United States ... yes, even more than before our current election season got underway.
5. - Iran's nuclear possibilities seeming more and more remote (despite Ahmadinejad's ranting) to the American public and American support for a surgical strike on Iran (aside from Hillary and Rudy) remaining lukewarm at best.
6. - The obvious question arising: What can Israel do that might (would undoubtedly) turn the above events towards a Hillary or Rudy presidential win in November 2008--while defusing an Iranian threat for maybe a decade or more?
7. - The answer becoming more and more obvious with every passing day: It's as easy as looking carefully at the graphic at the top of this posting--and the peaceful looking view of the Middle East below ... (scenario continued below the graphic)

8. Yes!! Look for an Israeli strike being launched against Iran's centrifuges sometime before the nominating process has gotten too far along for such a strike not to propel both Hillary and Rudy into their party's nominations. (It's worth noting that the largest part of the air space required for Israeli missiles and/or F-16s to penetrate to Iran would require US "permission" before such an attack. Any bets on which way Cheney and his war room might be leaning? The cloud cover on the space photo might be the excuse on that day, but whatever ...) Yeh, Hillary's "experience" in the White House and Rudy's 9/11 "experience" would be hard for both Democrats and Republicans to overlook as we move towards the later primaries and the nominating conventions.
9. As a logical consequence of the eighth step of the unfolding scenario, it is certainly the case that if Israel attacks Iran prior to the Pakistani Presidential elections, there will be no Pakistani Presidential elections for the foreseeable future. This can only complicate matters more and may (indeed) be exactly what both Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel and Osama bin Laden, who still runs the Al-Qaeda network from Pakistan, would enjoy.
10. As for next November, who knows? But once activities in the Middle East become even weirder than they are today, my money would be on the memory of dusty-faced Rudy on 9/11 to win the day for the GOP over a woman nominee on the Democrat's side of the fence. Yes, Hillary would be a whole lot better for America than Rudy, but either way, the Israelis win.
11. After that, God help us all!!!
(Why wouldn't we be capable of listening to voices of reason coming from the likes of Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Barack Obama and/or even Dennis Kucinich after an Israeli attack upon Iran? Because the ugly clouds of war blind even the most reasonable among most Americans.)
Happy Veterans' Day!!
Hmmm ... This might be a good one to bookmark and peek at in another ... say, five or so months ...