Friday, November 02, 2007

Rudy sees it; why can't we???

Dennis Kucinich said it was shaped like a triangle, didn't he?

Sunday, during a town-hall meeting in Exeter, New Hampshire, Giuliani assured one of the students present that preparedness will be key for all crises, including those from outer space.

The questioner (a young boy) asked, "If (there's) something living on another planet and it's bad and it comes over here, what would you do?"

Rudy Giuliani said it was his first question about an intergalactic attack and then answered the question directly: "Of all the things that can happen in this world, we'll be prepared for that, yes we will. We'll be prepared for anything that happens!"

This was the same mayor who was "prepared" for the 9/11 terrorist attacks against his city six years ago.


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