We -- those with names like: "Joe, Tom, Dick (a.k.a. Richard) and Harry" are all there ... Homeland Security's "No-Fly" List!

Most of you are aware that 60 Minutes did an expose on the heretofore almost unknown "no-fly list" it keeps to thwart terrorists at airline boarding lines and elsewhere both inside and outside of America's borders (the ones we are walling off).
As expected, Osama bin Laden (also Usama bin Laden and Osama Laden) is on the list -- as if he would fly commercially ... as well as at least 14 of the 19 terrorists who "died" on 9/11 crashing airplanes into US buildings. The latter were unexpected list makers, of course.
But of interest to the "Joe Ryans" and "Tom Jones" and "Richard Johnsons" was the inclusion of just about every common name in the books. If you have a baby, name him or her "Salaphicatonimus" or "Jehasofattygirl." And whatever you do, change your last name from "Harris" or "Jones" to "Zartiestohokia."
Even Evo Morales (with correct birthdate -- one of the few with a birthdate!) who just happens to be the President of Bolivia made the list. Watch for oil prices to go up this week. Oh yes, Saddam Hussein is on the list. (Do they know something we don't?)
All told, there are 44,000 names on the list ... and (horror of horrors) there's a backup list! Most have no additional information on the list so every Richard Johnson (black, white, Arab, oriental, etc.) with that name is a suspect. Don't wear a belt on your pants when flying!
We are all familiar with the Canadian, Maher Ahar, who was on the "Watch list" (as it was called back then) and then was held -- and tortured -- for a year or so before the officials realized they had the "wrong Maher Ahar."
If Bush is right and the terrorists are after us because we had too much liberty or freedom, I'd say they won the War on Terror.
What do you think?
I think Saddam and Bush 41 are on the list. No kidding.
hey joen
you thinbk the frenchies are in the list? ;) :D
le Rouge et le Noir -
Yes. Napolean Bonaparte must surely be on the list. The word of his death hasn't yet reached the White House. Marie Antoinette too. And what's with those subversive paintings by Renoir?
If they put Napoléon they should put our first minister who is a big fan of him ;)
And about Renoir, you like impressionisme?
What do you think Picasso and all the communists artists? ;) ahhrrgh poor mister Bush i think that the list should contain 90% of the artists names between 1940 and 1990. in europe at least.
le Rouge et le Noir -
Picasso was a genius in more areas than simply art. Yes, artists tend to be ahead of their time" more often than not.
MWN (Joe)
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