Nancy Pelosi: GOP is a "swamp." Mediawingnuts is thinking: Starting on November 7, 2006 ... we start Nancy Pelosi's "drainage" efforts!

Nancy Pelosi has more than once characterized the GOP vision of America as a "swamp," but more with the intimation of an ill-kept landfill than a true (usually quite beautiful in nature) swamp.
Specifically, her plans (if the Democrats can retake the house on November 7) are outlined in the ABC News article herein linked. She doesn't plan a "first 100 days" (FDR's legacy) as much as she plans a "first 100 hours"!
Briefly stated, she will break the link between the lobbyists and legislation before 24 hours have passed. That will drain the monies that have gone into killing both Americans and Iraqis in and around Baghdad, among other things. During the second 24 hours (Day Two), she will get moving on the recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission. (Hopefully, she will also initiate another more properly conducted commission that investigates that very same awful day.)
The rest of the 100 hours will be spent raising the minimum wage to $7.25 (still low) in one step and allow the Government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower Medicare drug prices/costs. Hoping for a veto-proof majority, she will relook at stem-cell research and cut interest rates on student loans in half.
And oh yes, those tax cuts? Folks earning more than $250,000 per year will see the rates returned to their previously equitable levels. That may be after the first 100 hours, of course, but you get the idea!
Read the entire three pages!
Oh yes, for an idea of how a "perfect swamp" is envisioned by a typical Republican, see below:

I hope she has set aside some time for the Pelosi plan for Iraq.
Sorry Joe, couldn't resist.
I hope she has set aside some time for the Pelosi plan for Iraq.
Sorry Joe, couldn't resist.
rich -
i often get doubles of your comments. likely that you have an enter key on both sides of the keyboard and type with both hands ... ;)
bro joe
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