Iraq on October 5, 2006 ... and the band plays on ...

How often have we heard President Bush state that we will stand down when the Iraqi forces can stand up"?
Now, both we and the Iraqi parliament are asking the Iraqi police force to stand down. Does that mean it's time for us to "stand up"? Something's wrong here.
But the fact is, the authorities in Baghdad are asking an entire brigade (1200 police officers) to suspend activities (stand down) today because the Iraqi Shiites are finally willing to admit that it is the very same forces that were trained by the US Forces that are kidnapping and murdering Sunni Iraqis in record numbers and in even more barbaric ways as the ... band plays on.
Of course, no one is standing down and, in fact, new word coming in from Baghdad this evening is that the militias (drawn from the police forces trained and armed by US tax dollars) are now using the hospitals and morgues in the greater Baghdad area for command posts and staging areas.
We have created our very own Frankenstein. Good going, Mr. Bush!
In addition, the Ministry of Interior has fired 1700 officers for corruption, abuse of authority and collaboration with the marauding militias. Whereas the earlier insurgency was a direct result of our taking out the previous Government, the new murderous -- even barbaric -- militias (more armed insurgents) are a result of our taking a "hands-off" attitude towards the ongoing civil war ... hoping to reduce American casualties, of course. I wasn't surprised to find reference to this "tactic" in the transcript linked to by the latest posting on the blogsite created my brother Richard from Connecticut.
Trouble is, the casualties (Iraqi and American) are climbing while Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and their ilk are impervious to the death and suffering being endured by everyone involved. The dead are generally tortured in accordance with Sha'ria Law (the conditions of the headless bruised bodies is consistent with my memories of living almost a full decade under Sha'ria Law) which suggests that the trend towards a full-blown theocracy is peeking out through the blooodstains on the white death shrouds.
Imagine carrying a dead child to the morgue or a hospital only to be shot dead yourself while identifying the child (as a Sunni, for example) to the morgue or hospital personnel who are actually police officers acting in their capacity of Shiite militia members.
It is estimated that only 40-50% of the corpses are even accounted for, thanks to the fear of transporting the bodies to proper "disposal" points.
This war/occupation is quickly devolving to something akin to Dante's Inferno by the week.
And here at home, we are all humored [sic and sick] by the disgusting (double-ugh!) instant messaging of our Republican lawmakers and their under-age pages.
However we can turn the situation in Iraq around. We simply have to get Cheney and Rumsfeld away from President Bush so he can see clearly what his actions (dictated by C & R) are accomplishing. For starters, he might read Thomas E. Ricks' Fiasco, The American Military Adventure in Iraq (but turned right-side-up this time).
Horrifying. It's hard to imagine a way out of this mess...
Do you think that if something
like this would have been in place in the Spring of 2003, things might be different today?
Hello Joe,
i am really sorry for all your soldiers and the iraqis who are diing under the bombs.
but sometimes i really would like to say you... please try to think about something else. but of course i read your blog so i can only see what you write , not all your time... of thoughts :)
take care
oops before i forget i saw a terrible "fly" (we say this for a piece of paper given to people in the street, not sure it is american used word for it).. so it was written by communist extremist parti (yes worst than communist)... they were saying USA was planning to send a nuclear bomb to Iran in the month! wow i go there in two weeks ;) no seriously i can't understand how stupid people like this can freely lie. but it's freedom of speech
le Rouge et le Noir -
I don't only think about the terrible things ongoing in Iraq all of the time. Sometimes before dinner, I think about my stomach or food and before going to the bathroom, I think about ... well ... having to go to the bathroom and before starting the engine to my automobile, I think about putting on my spectacles ... and ... well, you get the idea. I think about whatever happens to come into my mind.
I'll think about something more pleasant before writing my next blog posting.
Richard -
Absolutely, things would be less horrid had we gone in with the mindset of helping the Iraqi people eather than thinking ... revenge for 9/11 ... revenge for 9/11 ... revenge for 9/11 ... which was what we were drilling into the young minds of our invading army.
Iraq is part of the same planet that we share with two hundred other countries.
BTW, good interview between Rummy and Woody ... whose URL you posted/linked to. I was dizzy by one in the morning when I finished it. Rummy talks and mumbles in non sequiturs, doesn't he?
Bro Joe
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