Forgive them, Father ... for they know not what they do ... (Luke 23:34)

I really hadn't planned on even mentioning the horrid tragedy that unfolded in an Amish one-room schoolhouse this week. In some way, the story, although terrible, had an aura of the Sacred to it. The horror of the deranged, but methodical, executions of five (possibly six soon) young girls there ... followed by the suicide of the young man who had come there ... seemingly from nowhere ... was not something that needed highlighting.
But then, today's newspaper had a startling article. It told of the forgiveness shown by the Amish community -- and even the parents of the slain children -- to the young murderer's widow and children ... of their offering sympathy and even crying with the father of the young man who had murdered their girls in his doorway. The Amish in Lancaster County provided for this old man in Ocean Shores, Washington an example of forgiveness that I can only dream is really possible. And yes, I shed a tear.
Somehow, I know that those girls are with Our Lord at this very moment ... one of the girls, Marian Fisher, the eldest of the group -- mostly 7 and 8-year olds -- even asked the young man to "Shoot me and leave the other ones loose" hoping that the extra time might save one or more of her friends. He shot her in the head, as he had done to the others.
And I'm sure that most of you know that the murderer, Charles Carl Robert IV, was not Amish himself and left a confused -- almost unbelieving -- wife and three young children of his own. The Amish community there didn't stop to think hatred or revenge; they simply embraced the man's family as theirs and ... forgave.
They exemplified what Jesus was teaching when he spoke from the cross, "Forgive them, Father; they know not what they are doing."
And for the girls? Well doubtless, many of you remember the simple song, "Jesus Loves Me."
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Taking children on his knee,
Saying, "Let them come to Me"
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Add to that, this
Rich -
Thank you. I put in the exact quote of the young girl who offered her life in hopes of saving the others. That was a powerfully written article to which you linked.
Love Joe
terrible news :(
today in france we discovered someone was hiding her husband she got babies then killed them putting them in freeze! still to confirm.
can you imagine it? :(
le Rouge et le Noir -
No, I can't! Very terrible indeed ... With this fallen world, though, anything sems possible and nothing should suprise me.
I know that Jesus is a prophet in Islam. Do you study his Sermon on the Mount? Quite powerful teaching, I think.
MWN (Joe)
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