Was Hastert warned about Foley three years ago?

Someone's lying!
Kirk Fordham told the AP that Representative Tom Reynolds (R-NY) went before Dennis Hastert (above) three years ago to warn him of possible sexual problems with Mark Foley vis-a-vis the congressional pages. Within a day, Kirk Fordham resigned his post as Reynolds' Chief of Staff after Reynolds stated that he thought that it was inappropriate for his Chief of Staff to be speaking with news outlets -- and after Fordham stated that he believed he was becoming a "distraction."
The mud is flying pretty thick among the senior members of the House of Representatives, but it all seems to track back to the House Speaker.
The one thing that I don't expect the House Speaker to state emphatically (or at all) is "the buck stops here!" That phrase doesn't seem to exist in the phraseology of most Republicans ... dating back to "Ike" Eisenhower.
I think that that whole situation is dispicable. For one Foley should be really ashamed of what he did. He is a man of position in this nation. Second of all, the people who knew are worse. they saw what he was doing and they pick their image over what was right.
Stop by my blog.
I do think Hastert should go, but I don't think he was/is part of any massive cover-up, only an example of incompetence. He should have stayed a high school wrestling coach. It's just the Peter Principle rearing its ugly head.
MWN (Joe)
c-dell -
I will stop by your blog this evening.
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