Man says he thought "the administration policies in Iraq were reprehensible" ... and was arrested ten minutes later ...

That's right! No obscenities! No threats! ... and he had his seven-year old son in tow besides! Steven Howard simply walked up to the Vice President while he (the VP) was signing autographs in Beaver Creek, Colorado and made the above statement.
Needless to say, he is suing Cheney for violation of his First Amendment rights as well as illegal seize and search (Fourth Amendment).
Believe me fellow bloggers; our First Amendment (and Fourth Amendment) rights are disappearing quickly ... and even a major Democratic victory on November 7 might not be able to turn this one around.
I'll be watching my back while teaching at Grays Harbor College this evening. This blog might be interpreted as suggesting that the Administration's policies are reprehensible.
Actually, I think that the actions in Iraq are immoral, stupid and show a complete lack of support for our courageous troops there ... who are now dying at record numbers. Today marks the worst three days for American soldier deaths since the invasion, for example.
You are right on the mark. Our basic right, the ones this nation was founded on, are fading away. The nation is starting on a path that is very dark. It is not too late to reverse this. I just hope that the American people realize this.
too late? Yes it is. We are growing more socialist all the time. Since the early 1900's socialism in this country was already founded. Its now come to full bloom. 3 examples
1) In 2000, Al Gore had the most votes, but lost the election (never before)
2) Our social programs take from those that have to give to the have nots, all in the name of social well being
3) This very act! Unwarrented arrest!
NOW B-DELL I do hope you are right
c-dell -
Things will turn around; they always do. I've been on the roller coaster for a great many years and see another change coming.
MWN (Joe)
yort -
I don't see a trend towards socialism. The loss of liberties can happen at either end of the spectrum -- right or left -- and even in the middle from an socioeconomics point of view.
It's our God-inspired Constitution -(with emphasis on the Bill of Rights and in total harmony with international law) that must be upheld at all costs.
I could live under a socialistic state, for example (wouldn't want to, of course), but I do not want to live in a society who fears its government and/or corporate leaders.
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