I think my brother, Richard might be wrong about "Foleygate" going away soon ...

House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told The Washington Post over the weekend that he had learned as early as this past spring [some say it was earlier] of some “contact” between Foley and a 16-year-old page. Boehner said he told House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), and that Hastert assured him “we’re taking care of it.” It is still not immediately clear what actions Hastert took.
Meanwhile, ABC News (and every other network and news-posting) continues to air and post (see below) the salacious "IM chat" between former Representative Mark Foley (R-Fla) and the unnamed page. Some newspapers (e.g., the Washington Times) are prematurely (in my opinion) asking for Dennis Hastert to resign his position -- a position that, like him or not, I have to admit that Representative Hastert has handled quite professionally -- and in accordance with White House desires/concerns, which would be expected of a person from the same party as Mr. Bush.

It is truly sad if the Midterm Elections are affected by what is hardly a partisan issue. The American citizenry are concerned about such issues, yes, but the ongoing war in Iraq, the out-of-control deficit, legalized torture of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan and the loss of our own personal liberties (warrantless searches, loss of Habeas Corpus protection, etc.) are of far greater import.
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