Alcoholics, gays and Catholics abused by priests: support Mark Foley and your fellow Republicans

From today's news ... and from Mark Foley's attorney comes word that Representative Foley was an alcoholic and both abused by a priest as well as gay.
Just for the record, I very much hope and pray that Mr. Foley is rehabilitated and is given a chance in life. His actions, while foolish and ugly to have to watch on television night after night are nowhere near the damage that the rest of the Republicans -- and many Democrats -- are doing to our nation through their pursuit of a "mistake" in Iraq and their several votes against both the Constitution and international law.
Admittedly, a large number of Republicans -- especially the Evangelical right-wing of the party -- are turning out to be "in-the-closet" gays, but that is no excuse for turning their backs on their fellow countrymen and persons worldwide who are unable to defend themselves.
To the many gay and abused Republicans, I can say no more than what Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News" (Mark, 1:15)
And I say that from my heart!
Sage -
Absolutely! Both parties have a goodly number of gays, but the Republicans probably have a few more (percentagewise) and tend to be more secretive about it, don't you think?
But Republicans should continue to vote for their fellow gay party members if they also agree with them on continuing the carnage in Iraq and taking away Constitutional and Internation legal protections, etc.
That's democracy!
I linked to this blog entry from an article I wrote last week. The Perfect Politician
One of the things I wanted to point out to our readers, that I didn't realize (and dont ask me why? Maybe the Republican ignorace in my life?) but its interesting that there are a good number of 'private' republican gays.
anyways, thanks again for your insight and witty thoughts Joe!
yort -
I understand some of the anxiety that Republicans are currently going through; I had the same emotions while Clinton was lying his way through the Monica Impeachment hearings a decade or so ago. :)
I look forward to The Perfect Politician (does such actually exist?
We sure do send some lu-lu's to Washington, don't we?
I don't think Clinton lied about Monica. I even debated a liberal about this who said he did lie. Technically, Clinton didn't lie, and he would have gotten off on a technicality about 'sexual relations'. I've even heard Clinton explain this himself.
Oh I forgot to add, this is one of many reasons why I believe Clinton is THE PERFECT POLITICIAN, btw, the link to your blog is in the comments area of my article. There was a Catholic Republican who wanted to comment on this blog of yours but you only allow people with profiles to comment and he didnt want to take the time, but he did mention you in the comments on TODC.
yort -
I found your blogsite, but was unable to find the referenced comment. Nice site and somewhat eclectic.
Sage -
It was not a slap. But surely you have to admit that, in total accordance with psychiatric studies, men who try to look tough (using images that they consider manly, like huge King-Kong type monsters or super heroes bulging with muscles and snarles) are often simply closeted gay men who, if they would simply admit that they have a thing for other "males," they are not admitting that they are necessarily "girly-men" (to quote Ahnold).
The large preponderance of gays among Republicans adds to their diversity and can, in the end, possibly make them a stronger political voice in America.
Most of us heterosexual Democrats admire the gay Republicans who are finally proudly admitting their homosexual orientation.
Just tell your fellow gay Republicans to stay away from the kids.
MWN (Joe)
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