Book of the Year ... or ... Cotton Candy?

Of course, nearly every one of you who is alive and above the age of three knows about this crazy book. Bob Woodward (below left) really outdid himself this time with revelations (which I swear I've read before) and innuendos (which I know I've read or heard before).

Still, it's only a month and a week from the Midterm Elections and this book almost forces Bush's hand vis-a-vis the long awaited "October surprise." Tony Snow (bottom right) insists that the book is nothing more than cotton candy ... he said, "The book is sort of like cotton candy. It kind of melts on contact. We've read this book before [referring to other books that seem to be coming out almost every week]."
As far as I can determine from the reviews, the major revelations are all related to Bush being out of touch with reality -- from before 9/11 to the current days of carnage in Iraq.
Yes, I ordered the book (damn it!) and now wonder why, but will read it to see just what magic Mr. Woodward can add to what we already know with his version of the events of 2003 - 2006. I'm not sure that I agree with my brother Richard's brother in law, John's assessment that this won't grab our attention more than former Representative Foley's emails, but ... who knows? Then again, for sure I don't think a retelling of already well-known material will "suck the oxygen out of the room" as is stated by my brother (link on far right beneath my profile).

The stakes for November 7 keep going up ... up ... up!
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