Profiles of Capitulation

I'm ill.
Gee whiz, what courage ... what greatness ... what a pile of baloney! And to think I headlined the last picture of these three as "Profiles in Courage for this year", or something like that. Yecch!
Yeh, that's right; the President can still go ahead with his waterboarding, out-of-sight temperatures, sleep deprivation, etc. -- as long as he doesn't murder or rape a detainee, he's in the clear ... going back nine years! No wonder he's so happy with the "deal" worked out between the Republicans in the Senate and the White House.
Thus, the United States of America will now be the first nation in the world to authorize by law violations of the Geneva Conventions. Great job, Senators!
As it is now written, the President will also have the authority to declare in writing what is and what is not a grave breach of the War Crimes Act. This makes the President (starting with the current one) his or her own judge and jury. The ACLU (not one of my favorite organizations, but right on as regards this issue) made a comment on the news along these lines (i.e., like the previous sentence).
Now we know what "compassionate conservatism" means ... "torture by fiat"!
An embarrassing day for the US.
serenissima -
How sadly true!
MWN (Joe)
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