Thursday, September 21, 2006

UN inspectors suggest that torture in today's prisons/jails in Iraq are "worse than under Saddam Hussein"

As George Bush moves from reason to reason as to why we invaded Iraq, it only gets worse. First it was Saddam's WMD production and then it was his contacts with Osama bin Forgotten and then ... it was that the horrible conditions in Iraq under Saddam (upper left) were so bad that they had to be stopped.

And now we learn from the UN that "the situation as far as torture is concerned in Iraq is now completely out of control." Manfred Nowak, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and cruelty went further when debriefed in Geneva, "the situation is so bad that many people say that it is worse than in the times of Saddam Hussein."

Oh yes, he made mention of the US-held detainees too and they were receiving "inhumane treatment" also.

Who would ever have guessed that we'd screw the situation up so badly that the Iraqi people would dream of a return to Saddam?

Oh yes, thank my brother, Richard from Connecticut for directing me to a number of articles related to the situation in Iraq's prisons and detention centers today.


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