Kitty killing thief both asking us to stay the course in Iraq ... and running for President in 2008? ... Yeh, figures ...

I happen to belong to PAWS in the Ocean Shores area and we do our best to find homes -- foster and permanent for stray cats and dogs in the area. We also watch out for (and care for,when necessary) any deer, raccoon, possum, etc. in the area who are in need of help.
Thus, you can imagine the sick feeling in my gut to learn that the man who is the Majority Leader in the US Senate (that's my Senate and your Senate!) stooped to the level of a person who would pose as a person who loved kitties so much that he was willing to adopt a stray or two ... or a half dozen -- or a dozen -- only to take them home,"love" and care for them for a few days and then ... ugh!
That's right, he would treat them as pets for a few days -- gaining their trust and love -- only to kill them when the time was appropriate, so that he could watch their hearts beat from the inside and make other ghastly observations. It's not that observing their innards was so awful; it was that he took them home, treated them as loving pets -- obviously not really loving these helpless kitties -- and then, when he had gained their trust ... slice and dice them for his own selfish purposes (to maintain his medical license in Tennessee).
Although it's impossible to even obtain a copy of an authorized "frist autobiography" today, his penchant for killing cats probably continues (if we could count the cats who have died in Iraq). Nonetheless, you Google around for "frist cats" and see for yourself how/why he killed (one-by-one) 12 - 14 of his family's cats (that he obtained illegally) -- he admits to being heinous and dishonest -- and is likely schizoid. He can be quoted on that last trait, by the way. "I was a little schizoid" he wrote in his questionable 1989 autobiography.
Now, as we hear Mr. Frist ask us to "trust him" in his support for the neocons as our young men and women are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should remember that he asked the animal shelters to "trust me!" and then asked the kittens to "trust me!" before picking up his knife and scalpel.
Let's see ... we all remember his frantic activities for/about Terri Shiavo (votes) ... and his trying to kill the filibuster rule in the Senate ... and his insider trading ... and, of course, his support for the wars overseas is in the current headlines ...
Is it only Republicans?
No,my brother, Richard in Connecticut would never kill a cat, let alone a dozen of them!
Hopefully, we'll see a change or two in November.
thats off of comedy central, i think its a joke!
yort -
It's NOT off "Comedy Central"! Check out the link on the posting. It's in Wikipedia and 100 other places!
MWN (Joe)
wow, it is real, but in his defense it was in the name of science. Are you telling me that you don't use any products or take any medicine that was tested on animals? Uhh, exactly Joe, your making a big deal out of nothing!
That is just sickening.
yort -
You're correct about much unnecessary and cruel testing on animals. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. We also -- as a speces on this planet -- have been particularly cruel to the critters that inhabit the oceans and waters of the planet. You are very insightful in this regard.
MWN (Joe)
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