Losing a friend ... is losing a friend ...

As you know from a previous posting, I have only recently buried someone whom I really and truly loved, Sweetheart, the female cat who lived in three countries and helped me raise at least five little toms -- and managed to "rule" over all of them -- and a couple of females in addition. I wrote a little about her brother, Furface, but didn't mention that he and a couple of others -- depending upon the time of day or night and how much room exists under my covers -- have been, as they have always been, my really closest friends.
They even understand things about me that Sweetheart -- or my wife and children, for that matter -- didn't or don't understand ... or even could. For those of you who have pets -- dogs or cats, in particular, know exactly what I mean. Each relationship in life -- two-legged or four-legged -- is entirely unique as are the bonds among us.
And you felt and showed compassion when I lost little Sweetheart after 17 years. You understood that a hole is a hole is a hole ... whether in our lives upon the loss of a loved one (human, non-human, male or female) ... or in our backyard upon the digging of an earthen hole.
Well, Furface, who meowed so sadly on the night after I buried his beloved sister in the back yard ... is failing. I've had to have him shaved to help get at the fleas that have infested his weakening body. He was never large, but slipped to three and a half pounds about three months before his sister, Sweetheart, suddenly slid into that "next world" to await the rest of humanity.
He recovered, but is slowly returning to the skinny condition ... a little like Sweetheart was during her final month with us. Of course, his being shaved makes him look worse, and he is eating and is as feisty as ever when one of the other toms (especially Ralph or George) try to squeeze between him and my nose, mouth and eyes. I can hardly breath sometimes when I awaken in the middle of the night.
But Furface and I do talk, and he's made it clear to me that he wants to live for as long as possible. Needless to say, I won't allow him to live beyond a point where he cries or looks to be in any pain whatsoever. He'd understand.
But a new thought has entered my mind as Furface looks at me to tell me what his day was like while I was out teaching at Grays Harbor College. I'm getting older myself. And the older I get -- or any of us gets old -- we have more and more of those holes to fill, holes in our lives of those "spirits" who helped sustain us over the years ... and then, as suddenly as Sweetheart passed ...
Only the hole remains.
I sometimes think I am ready for Furface to leave. But I know that I'm not! Those of you who are older than I am -- and the number whom I know (who are older than me) decreases each year -- understand what I am saying.
One of these days -- maybe as far into the future as 2007 or 2008 -- another deep and painful hole will be where Furface's sweet spirit used to be -- a large spirit used to be! -- and is today.
Say a little prayer that Furface continues to recover (he's on another "up" thanks to appetite stimulant and a loving spirit) and that I won't have to shed a tear in the face of another hole in my life ... for at least a little while longer.
Furface is perhaps my closest friend today.
I'm sorry you're facing another loss so soon. Kitties are such endearing creatures. I can understand how they keep such good company. I wish the best for you and Furface.
Serenissima -
Thanks! I hope I wasn't too over the top in sentimentality.
MWN (Joe)
I'm very sorry. We will pray for Furface. Hopefully you can live still full hearted enjoyed days together.
We had a wonderful cat in my family named "ponpon". She was very special. She looked like Furface. She was angora type. A lot of hair. She was so tender. A wonderful humanitarian cat! if you were feeling sad or depressed she was coming to Your bed with you and look at you like if she understood. Not a moment she didn't do it. She got the exact same sickness as your cat. She went to doctors to take it away many times but always something was coming again. She was 15 when she died and my parents were waitin gmy come back to go with her to the doctor: i saw her in a terrible way. She was hiding some times to not show us the time she dies. She was hardly move and we were moving her sometimes even in her terrible pain moments.
I miss her so much.
Take a good care of your kitty and wish the best for both you too.
fred and rali
le Rouge et le Noir -
Wow, it seems as though you went through exactly what I went through with Sweetheart -- and maybe again soon with Furface.
Yes, it's odd how cats "hide" before they die ... and such odd ways. My two previous experiences were such that it was almost impossible to find them; Furface only hides in the bedding on my bed (never made) and I find him before retiring each night so as not to crawl over him.
Thanks for your thoughts
MWN (Joe)
Joe- (why did I think your name was Jack?)
anyways, sorry to hear about sweatheart and now Furface. My brother, Jeremy (you can read about him on todc-www.theobservationist.com-) has two cats. Merlin and Angelo. I don't really get cats, as my wife is allergic to them, but they seem like they could be alot of fun.
Something I've never understand is why people will put down an animal in pain, but a human being isn't allowed to do so. (see I do have a liberal in me) Oh, and much like Gen Colin Powell I think abortion should be kept legal. (ok, I just had to go political didn't i)
Well have a good night Joe-and may God be with Sweatheart as she looks over Furface.
Yort -
Thanks! Like your wife, i am alergic to cats, but while in Saudi Arabia (where dogs are haram), I managed to get two cats during the first Gulf War. They were/are Furface and Sweetheart.
And yes, there certainly is some conservatism in me, having been a Republican -- through 1992 when I became an Independent and voted for Ross Perot. George H W Bush was too effite for my tastes and Clinton too loosy-goosy. Besides the tax and spending situation had to be brought under control (thank you, Newt!) and so Ross P. was my choice.
After that, the 'pubs' have not shown me much (and Kerry wasn't much to put forth in 2004 for "our side" either). But GWB isn't from any party that was ever part of the America I grew up in. Let's hope that both parties put up persons who will truly support our troops, both abroad and as veterans after they've served. Congress has been as awful as the White House in that regard and the Democrats have to share the blame, I think.
But first, let's dump the neocons and get real Americans into the White House ... maybe through impeachment. There are plenty of "good" conservatives out there whom the Republicans could put into place after the impeachment process.
BTW, how does one get to your site?
MWN (Joe)
You can get to our site by going to http://www.theobservationist.com
We have 8-9 writers who are all diverse politically. I'd say we have 2-3 hardline repubs, 2-3 hardline liberals, and then the rest of us are mods.
Hopefully you can enjoy the articles and feel free to write one someday. You seem well versed.
yort -
Thanks for the URL to your blogsite. I will visit it this evening after I feed the cats and grab something to eat myself.
btw, i'm not really "well versed," only seem to have been around a little longer -- thanks to my loose living (before about twenty years ago) and living all over the world with my wife and twelve kids -- all now fully grown with families of there own.
See you at your site shortly ... cheers
MWN (Joe)
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