Hillary moves ... closer to White House ...

Whom (or would good grammar say "who"?) will it be to run against the GOP for the White House in 2008? After yesterday, I'd say that, if Al Gore decides to run, it will be a horse race tighter than I used to get every Friday night.
Just as Al Gore is my "hero" of sorts in the environment/ecology areas, I have to admire Hillary Clinton (still) for the way she fought the (losing) battle back in 1993 for serious health care reform. I remember how she took on the insurance and pharmaceutical industries ... and some pretty slick lawyers. Her arguments were terrific and her concern genuine ... just as Al Gore's concern for the environment of our planet is terrific and genuine. I watched the videotapes we received from the US Embassy from America every night in Saudi Arabia and fell in love with Hillary back then.
Hillary is the kind of person whom it is easy to love, but difficult to like ... have you noticed that?
I guess I'd prefer that it be a Gore-Clinton ticket than a Clinton-Gore ticket in 2008, but we'll just have to wait and see how it all pans out. Supposedly, they are bitter political enemies -- although political bedfellows at the same time ... something to do with Tipper Gore's concerns about Bill Clinton's morality. My brother, Richard from Connecticut, says it's irreconcilable; I think that time heals all wounds and we need both of them in 2008 to beat the GOP -- who will be, by that time, alongside the Democrats in opposition to George Bush's War/Occupation in Iraq.
Of course, all it takes to upset any prediction for 2008 is one little 9/11 kind of event ... anywhere! Republicans are already adding prayers for such an event to their evening prayers ... but soon, like before the November's midterm elections in seven or so weeks. [In fairness, I have to state that I really don't believe that Republicans -- not most of them anyway -- pray, or even mildly daydrean -- for anything like another 9/11.]
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