"Time is of the essence!" -- G. W. Bush, September 7, 2006

Question One: Why is it so urgent that we set up laws to properly try the perpetrators of 9/11 ... five years after the event, during which time we had them incarcerated in secret prisons anyway?
Question Two: Why, after that statement of urgency to the Congress by our president on September 7 did they spend the entire day yesterday (September 8) wrangling over and then passing a bill to ensure that humans wouldn't be fed horse meat (upper left)?
Just wondering ... surely, no relation to the upcoming elections. Trying and finding the "mastermind of 9/11" guilty would be a plus for the Republicans, I'll bet -- at least in the neuron sequences activating at lighting speed in Bush's Brain (a.k.a. Karl Rove's long-term plans).
This has nothing to do with today's posting, but did you know your blog had been mentioned on the CBS News site in July?
Serenissima -
Yes, in a fasion. Someone called me and "asked" if it was all right that they were going to mention "mediawingnuts" in conjunction with something I wrote about Opra (and Gayle) being/not being gay.
As I recall, I said "so what?" about their sexual orientation; the important thing was that they remained god friends despite Opra's wealth. Anyway, it ended up online somewhere and also was mentioned (probably only once) on the air.
Thanks for passing on that you caught it somewhere. Was it through a "google" search?
MWN (Joe)
To not eat horse meat?! I certenly missed that one.
Orhan Kahn -
That was the "most important" issue of the day yesterday and the day before, I guess. In Korea, they eat dogs (called "ka-goh-gee") and my kids would be grossed out when shopping in the local markets.
MWN (Joe)
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