This was what the Saudis (and all Sunnis) feared way back when I was living in Riyadh ...

After this "deal," what next?
I'd watch for a broader deal among the Shiite Muslims from Iran to/through Iraq to/through Syria to/through Southern Lebanon ... then ... if we thought al-qaida was nasty, wait till we watch Hezbollah do its thing ... !! (Watch out Israel!)
What forces have we loosed?
first they are not directly americans who united shiites, they were already united before. Of course the war was making the relations hard but since saddam is not it seems the people care more of each other. They can see as well how iraqis are living a hell and most iranian i know are compassionate.
About the bearded gent.... ;) yes :D my wife's family is always having fun about his beauty and style ;)
Don't forget iranian and arabs are so different! so much. of course it is good they unit in a good way for the country but it will take long time to become like germany france friendship ;)
A deal? What's next? why?
Tony Snow said was saying to wait to know what it means ;)
but what to do ? you let a dictator do whatever he wants? you invade a country which will resist worst than iraq? and a country with people suffering already much (of course not the few % like in russia who have everything)
you know iran, russia, france more and more , china... worrying the world is going to become like this. So what do you think? usa doing something? or wait and hope? or..
another solution?
take care
le Rouge et le Noir -
No, America's actions were not "everything" that joined the Shiites in the Shiite Crescent, as it is called. But we removed the tyrant who (although a tyrant) managed to keep the Shiites less able to use their Shiite commonality in logistics and military ways.
In a strange way, Saddam (whom the Israelis hated and probably talked the US into invading) protected the Israelis whom Saddam himself hated deep down, just by standing firmly against the Shiite coalition.
Strange world.
As for the "gentleman on the right," I wrote a bit about his "beauty" in the previous comments to you. Remember that the devil is/was an "angel of light" and supposedly the most beautiful of God's angels, or something along those lines.
But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not "beutiful" in any way that I can see, especially when he opens his mouth and speaks about the Nation of Israel.
MWN (Joe)
hello Joe,
yes he is not beautiful and not only stupid in international matter sadly.
In Islam as well he was a very beloved angel who became devil. What happened is that God created humans and he asked every angel and heaven creature to pray for his creation. The angel of fire didnot accept it because human is ground and fire can't pray ground. So God took him out from heaven. Devil said then to him: "i will take as many humans as possible to follow me and betray you". But devil can't enter in body he can just make you betray.
I think i prefer this version than my old religion one ;)
About shiites i can't understand yoou are so badly informed and anti shiite (i am by the way).. i can understnad to hate even hezbollah army part or movement sayinh israel should disappear or any terrorist who are shame for all (most are sunnis) but please go in iran and see most have nothing against jews (less than in france even!). shiisme is special to my heart because it is opened to your heart and mind. shiisme for me is as well my wife's family: his father is seyyed and he is an angel. I never met someone like him before. Ali, Hussein are very good people. But sadly the picture of Iraq and hezbollah and the will to find ennemies are making shiites the bad creatures. Of course not all shiites are fair, nice and so is the world!
you see even the pop had fascist racist words ! you can imagine my mother how she dislikes this pop ;) for her always "pop is completely out of his mind and out of faith" if you look carefully history most of pops were doing politics just politics. A lot in Europe regret the death of Jean Paul II a lot. What do you think?
take good care
le Rouge et le Noir -
I'm sorry that you misunderstood something I must have written carelessly. I have no animosity towards Shiites. The Iranians with whom I went to school and with whom I worked were all Shia and among the nicest persons I've ever known.
They explained the differences between Shiites and Sunnis and, knowing that it dates way back to whether one followed the leadership of the Prophet's companions (Shiites) or his ancestors (Sunnis), I know that it isn't a "terrorist" sect of Islam any more than the Sunnis are. They are both very peaceful people, by and large, and only the radicals among them cause problems -- like radical Christians or radical Hindus, etc. cause problems too. George Bush seems like a radical Christian at times.
I follow the teachings of jesus and even He said to "love your enemies!" meaning even the radical Muslims as well as the non-radical Shia, Sunnis, aetheists, agnostics, etc.
The only religion I know of that, at its core seems peaceful is Buddhism, but I know too little about Buddhists and the teachings of Buddhism.
I think you said in the parentheses ("i am by the way") that you are Shiite. I thought that from the outset when you first commented on something and thus, even if I were a bigot (I am NOT a bigot!) I would never have meant to imply that I am anti-anything other than radical killing organizations like Hezbollah and al-Qaida-- cetainly not Muslims or Christians or Hindus or Buddhists, etc.
Yes, I too miss Pope John Paul II, but I am not Catholic (anymore), so know little of what changes are taking place in Catholicism.
It's interesting that Pope John Paul II wrote or phoned George Bush 37 times asking him to please NOT invade Iraq in the weeks leading up to the war in 2003. He was truly a man of peace.
MWN (Joe)
le Rouge et le Noir -
Excuse me, I believe I wrote that backwards: Shiites followed the Prophets ancestors and the Sunnis followed his companions, the Caliphates -- isn't that right?
you wrote:
"one followed the leadership of the Prophet's companions (Shiites) or his ancestors (Sunnis)"
it's the opposite ;) like i said to you my wife's family is family of prophet (seyyed) and seyyed are respected except from government, a branch of killers and stupid people.
oops when i read the other message i see you were correcting it ;) like me you can write the opposite of what you have in your mind :D by mistake or like said my mom "you are in the moon".
yes i am shiite by love (my wife) and it was important to show respect for her family. As well i like it. But what you say i completely agree :)
you know i am born catholic and my mom' s family is vry catholic. but even them they never could have consideration for pop! except jean paul II...
i am looking to go abroad and leave my country which is very far from the model it should have been. we are thinking about canada and usa and australia... lot of family in usa , canada that i like the gentelness and australia i heard lot of good points (but in this last country we don't know anybody).
because today i was having lunch with my boss and i heard again the same words. I was speaking about job and as well conditions about my wife being iranian meaning hard find a job (ba in english litterature and 5 years import export). they answered : "you're lucky you live in the best country. you can imagine you live in usa!". today we were taking the train and again so many troubles. this country is becoming a hell for people who look for love and tolerance.
hopefully not the world joe!
have a very nice week end,
take care
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